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活动日期2022年08月31日15:00 - 16:00 GMT+8 添加到日历

Fraud in the supply chain, creating multi-million RMB losses!

Economic losses from corruption and fraud are often in the multimillion-RMB range in China. It is not uncommon for an organization to lose many percent of its annual purchasing budget that goes directly into the pockets of individuals both within and outside its own organization.

Lack of transparency, incorrect delegation and insignificant demarcations between different functions in the process create risks that contribute to a lower profit margin and increased risks.

How to avoid and manage these complex problems can be challenging especially during uncertain times. SwissCham Shanghai is delighted to join SwedCham China in inviting the Founder and CEO of PSU Consulting, Lars Åke-Severin to share their latest updates and insights on this topic!


English & Chinese

Bilingual event


Online on KUDO platform

First-time KUDO user? Click the links below to read the attendance instructions!

How to join meeting - English

如何加入会议室 - 中文


3:00 PM Opening Remarks

3:10 PM Presentation

3:50 PM Q&A

4:00 PM Event Ends

  • Lars-Åke Severin (CEO of PSU (China) Consulting Co., Ltd.)

    Lars-Åke Severin

    CEO of PSU (China) Consulting Co., Ltd.


Member Price

人民币 100

Non-member Price

人民币 150

Online platform: KUDO

First time KUDO user? Click the links below to read the attendance instructions!

How to join meeting - English

如何加入会议室 - 中文

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Refund Policy & Disclaimer

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In case you need to cancel your attendance to the event, please write an email to: events@sha.swisscham.org at least 48 hours prior to the event. Failure to cancel your RSVP timely will require the payment of a "no show bill" of the full amount stated in this invitation. For third-party events, the event terms and conditions of the event organizer apply.

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Please notice that Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce Shanghai (as the host of the event) will take photographs from the event and might post these on its public webpage and or social media platforms in order to create awareness of its events. By attending this event you consent to the Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce Shanghai taking and using photographs of you as described above. Please contact [events@sha.swisscham.org] if you have any inquiries related to this matter.