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活动日期2024年03月27日13:30 - 16:45 GMT+8 添加到日历

Global Hub

No.300 Yinglun Road, Wai GaoQiao Free Trade Zone
Shanghai, 中国

联系人: Cherry Huang
Event Details
Event Details

Dear Members and Friends of SwissCham,

In July 2013, Switzerland and China signed a comprehensive free trade agreement, which waived most tariffs on goods and took effect in July 2014, making Switzerland the first continental European country to conclude and implement a free trade agreement with China. Following the high-level meetings in January 2024, both countries signed a joint declaration that entails the finalisation of a joint study to develop the two countries' existing free trade agreement and have agreed to deepen their partnership. In collaboration with the Consulate General of Switzerland in ShanghaiSwiss Centers China, the Research Institute for International Management of the University of St. Gallen as well as the Shanghai Waigaoqiao Group, we cordially invite you to join the annual roundtable discussion with the Shanghai custom authorities and Swiss companies' representatives.

Through this event, you will have the opportunity to discuss issues and challenges that you may encounter with the utilization of the SSFTA as well in the trade process in general.

With a practical and solution-oriented approach, we support the companies on the import and export and getting successful FTA applications. We firmly believe that the open dialogue and discussion will bring clarity to every participation and further enhance the FTA utilization and bring benefits to both countries.

IMPORTANT: To ensure efficient and productive discussion during the event, participants are invited to send their cases with concrete questions to us before March 5th, 2024. Please send an email to Ms. Cherry Huang (cherry.huang@swisscham.org) with your questions in English or Chinese.

Event participation is limited to Swiss companies and companies that are in the International Trade.

Best Regards,

Your SwissCham Team



2013年7月,瑞士与中国签署了两国间的自由贸易协定,免除了大部分商品的关税。此协定于2014年7月生效,自此之后,瑞士成为了第一个与中国签署并实施自由贸易协定的欧洲大陆国家。在 2024 年 1 月的高层会晤之后,两国签署了一份联合声明,其中包括完成一项联合研究,以发展两国现有的自由贸易协定,并同意深化双方的伙伴关系。在瑞士驻沪总领事馆瑞士中心圣加仑大学国际管理研究所上海外高桥集团股份有限公司的合作下,我们诚挚地邀请您参加与上海海关当局和瑞士企业代表的年度圆桌讨论。



请注意:为确保活动期间的讨论高效且富有成效,请与会者在2024年3月5日前将具体问题的案例发送给我们。请将您的问题以英文或中文发送至Cherry Huang(cherry.huang@swisscham.org)。





13:30 – 14:00 Registration

14:00 – 14:05 Welcome and general introduction by the moderator, Mrs. Yulia Jin, General Manager of Swiss Centers

14:05 – 14:10 Welcome address by Mr. Istvan Kocsis, Deputy Consul General of Consulate General of Switzerland in Shanghai

14:10 – 14:15 Keynote speech by Mr. Bin Chen, Deputy General Manager of Waigaoqiao Group

14:15 – 14:35 2020 - 2023 new regulations related to SSFTA by Mrs. Liu Jiemin, Deputy Chief of General Tariff Office, Shanghai Customs

14:35 – 14:55 Case Study by Lucky Ding, Trade Specialist of Swiss Centers

14:55 – 15:15 Q&A

15:15 – 15:45 SSFTA 2023 Academic Evaluation Report: Insights, Outcomes and Plans by Mr. Tomas Casas i Klett, Director of the China Competence Center at the University of St. Gallen - online speech

15:45 – 16:05 Brainstorming + Q&A

16:05 – 16:25 Coffee break

16:25 – 16:45 Visit Free Trade Zone Global Hub

16:45 End – Group picture

13:30 – 14:00 签到

14:00 – 14:05 瑞士中心总经理金玉女士致辞

14:05 – 14:10 瑞士驻沪总领事馆副总领事高奕帆先生致欢迎辞

14:10 – 14:15 上海外高桥集团股份有限公司副总经理陈斌先生致辞

14:15 – 14:35 上海海关官员介绍2020 - 2023 年与中瑞自由贸易协定有关的新法规

14:35 – 14:55 瑞士中心贸易专员Lucky Ding进行案例分享

14:55 – 15:15 问答环节

15:15 – 15:45 瑞士圣加伦大学教授托马斯·卡萨斯·克莱特讲解中瑞自由贸易协定2023学术评估报告: 见解、成果和计划

15:45 – 16:05 头脑风暴+问答环节

16:05 – 16:25 茶歇

16:25 – 16:45 参观全球汇

16:45 结束 - 集体照


Member Price

人民币 200

Non-member Price

人民币 400
Refund Policy & Disclaimer
Refund Policy & Disclaimer

退改政策 Refund Policy

如果您要取消出席活动,请在活动开始前48小时写邮件给 events@sha.swisscham.org。如未能及时取消,我们视同默认付款。 若非瑞士商会主办的活动,取消规则请参照活动主办发布的条款。

In case you need to cancel your attendance to the event, please write an email to: events@sha.swisscham.org at least 48 hours prior to the event. Failure to cancel your RSVP timely will require the payment of a "no show bill" of the full amount stated in this invitation. For third-party events, the event terms and conditions of the event organizer apply.

免责声明 Disclaimer


Please notice that Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce Shanghai (as the host of the event) will take photographs from the event and might post these on its public webpage and or social media platforms in order to create awareness of its events. By attending this event you consent to the Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce Shanghai taking and using photographs of you as described above. Please contact [events@sha.swisscham.org] if you have any inquiries related to this matter.