KIT校友会中国中心于2024年7月10日在KIT副校长Hirth教授的授权和见证下正式成立,开始为广大中国区的KIT校友提供服务,本会的业务范围为:本会的业务范围:1.积极联络 KIT 在中国的现有校友;2.组织校友网络活动,促进联系与合作;3. 在中国推广 KIT 品牌及其价值观;4. 通过与我们的校友协调合作,加强和促进 KIT 与德国工业界科学合作伙伴之间的合作;5. 加强和促进德中科研与转让合作; 6.促进环境科学与技术的发展。
Dear Alumni,
The KIT Alumni Association China Centre was officially established on 10 July 2024 under the authority and witness of Prof. Dr. Hirth, Vice President of KIT, and has started to provide services to the vast number of KIT alumni in China. The scope of the Association is as follows: 1. to actively reach out to the existing KIT alumni in China; 2. to organise alumni networking events to promote contacts and cooperation; 3. to promote the KIT brand and its values in China; 4. to strengthen and promote cooperation between KIT and German-Chinese scientific partners by coordinating and cooperating with our alumni; 5. to strengthen and promote German-Chinese research and transfer cooperation Promoting the KIT brand and its values in China; 6. Promoting environmental science and technology.
The KIT Alumni Association China Centre is a voluntary organisation recognised by the KIT Alumni Association. The first alumni organisation is currently composed of 8 active alumni who participate in the promotion of the alumni association in their spare time. We would like to invite more alumni to participate in the development of the Alumni Association. The first Alumni Conference will be held in Suzhou 16 November 2024, and we look forward to seeing all alumni registering for the Alumni Directory and participating in offline communication activities!
You can find the link for KIT Germany alumni registration channel and China channel. We are looking forward your information.