课程目标 Goals
课程对象 Target Groups
课程大纲 Agenda
DAY1 第一天
第一章 建立卓越的客户服务理念
Chapter 1: Build the Knowledge of Excellent Customer Service
1. 认识客户服务 培养服务意识 Understand customer service, Develop sense of service
2. 培养专业的服务意识 Professional Service
-以客户为中心 Customer-centric
-提供超值服务 Premium service
-化危机为契机 Crisis into opportunity
-塑造内部客户 Internal customer
第二章 打造专业的客户服务能力
Chapter 2: Build Professional Customer Service
1. 优质客户服务的四个基本阶段 Four Stages of premium Customer Service
2. 阶段一:接待客户 Stage 1: Client Reception
-如何与客户打招呼的练习 Customer service greetings
-接待客户过程中需要注意的事项 Points to note
-公司介绍练习 Company Introduction Practice
3. 阶段二:理解客户 Stage 2: Understand the Customer
4. 阶段三:帮助客户 Stage 3: Support the Customer
5. 阶段四:留住客户 Stage 4: Retain customers
第三章 提升客户电话沟通技巧
Chapter 3: Improve Customer Telephone Communication Skills
1. 优化客户人员的声音技巧 Improve Voice Skills
2. 客户电话话术的练习 Call Sciprt Practice
DAY2 第二天
第四章 客户人员的沟通技巧提升
Chapter 4: Improve the Communication Skills
1. 热身活动:60秒电梯汇报练习
Warm-Up: 60 seconds Elevator Pitch
2. 寻找沟通的底层逻辑Logic Fundamentals of Communication
3. 建立沟通中的信任 Build Trust in Communication
4. 提升精准的表达能力 Clear Communication Skills
-模块型框架 Modular
-万能表达框架 General Template
-黄金圈框架 Golden Circle
5. 在表达中兼顾左右脑思维 Left Brain and Right Brain
第五章 与客户进行高情商互动
Chapter 5: Intelligence Improve Customer Interaction
1. 什么是高情商互动沟通What's high EQ in Communication?
2. 管理好个人的情绪 Emotion Management
3. 和客户建立高情商互动的五大技巧 5 Skills for Customer Relationship
4. 运用心理学原理影响对方 Psychological Influences on Consumer
第六章 应对客户的投诉和抱怨
Chapter 6: Response to Complaints
1. 正确认识客户的投诉和抱怨 Read Customers
2. 有效应对投诉抱怨的流程 Customer Complaint Handling Procedure
3. 用沟通化解客户的情绪 Diffuse Emotions in Communication
4. 提供后续的方案解决问题 Follow-up Solutions
课程总结 答疑时间Review and Question
Ms. Xueting Wang 王雪婷
Business Development Manager
Tel.:+86 21 6248 8029 - 706
Email: xueting.wang@chinavdma.org
German Mechanical Engineering Service (BJ) Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch (GMECS)
Ms. Xin Li 李昕
Business Support
Tel.: +86 19901949752
Email: xin.li@chinavdma.org
German Mechanical Engineering Service(BJ) Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch (GMECS)