
Discover Germany-走进德国是中国德国商会于 2017 年牵头联合德国政府、经济、文化等众多官方机构共同打造的在华唯一官方德国活动品牌 。通过不同的德国文化呈现主题汇聚优质德国品牌。走进德国不断创造纪录已逐步形成高流量 、大影响的德国活动 IP 。

今年,"走进德国"将升级为城市系列活动10月的成都,佛山、12月的广州将分别举办线下品牌推广活动;并计划与天猫合作, 搭建走进德国线上虚拟平台,同步带货

为此,我们于8月12日(周三)上午11:00 - 12:00 & 下午15:00-16:00两个时段进行德企市场推广线上圆桌会,诚邀消费品行业的德国企业市场推广部门代表参加。(您可以选择任意时段参与讨论。)

会上,我们将分享"2020 Discover Germany-走进德国"计划与想法,听取参会各方的意见与需求,共同探索出促进德企品牌与产品在华推广的解决方案。

Discover Germany is the official event of German brands and culture in China, which planed by the German Chamber of Commerce in 2017, our event is in conjunction with German government, and many official economic and cultural institutions. By presenting different themes of German culture and advertising high-quality German brands, "Discover Germany" is becoming a high-impact intercultural event in China.

This year, "Discover Germany" is plan to organize in 3 cities:Chengdu and Foshan in October, Guangzhou in December. Specially, anonline virtual platform, which in corporate with Tmall is in plan.

In order to better understand and improve the "Discover Germany 2020" event plan, we will hold the second Marketing Roundtable, discuss with German brands and get feedback from participants.

The Roundtable will be held on12th of August (Wednesday) with 2 slot: 11:00-12:00 & 15:00-16:00, feel free to register in your convenient time. 


标准价格 免费门票
标准价格 免费门票



The registration will be closed on 12:00PM, 11st of August (Tuesday). 7 brands in each slot. The final participant list will be subject to actual notice

Looking forward to see you during the Marketing Roundtable!