

2018年05月21日 至 2018年06月08日 GMT+8







野兽格斗冠军赛(AFC, Animal Fighting Championship) 是上海第一个由外籍人士主办的综合格斗联赛。AFC致力于为本土和外籍选手创造一个同台竞技的舞台,也因此获得了卓越的口碑。所有的AFC活动都设有业余组和专业组的比赛。格斗赛涵盖了拳击、踢拳以及综合格斗等类型。AFC希望打破刻板印象中的"中国选手对抗外国选手"模式,参赛选手来自全球各地(中国,美国,法国,加拿大,乌克兰,摩洛哥,塔吉克斯坦,泰国,卡萨克斯坦等)。不过,AFC的比赛不是按照选手籍贯来分级别,而是根据格斗技术水平。正因为这样,每场比赛都能欣赏到各路高手过招的精彩场面。因为有业余组的比赛,你也会在比赛中看到选手不仅来自五湖四海,而且是各行各业——老师、医生、建筑工人......这些业余选手有机会在AFC的赛场和拥有百余场比赛经验的专业选手同台竞技,浅尝职业格斗赛的滋味。

Animal Fighting Championship

Animal Fighting Championship (AFC) is the first foreigner run MMA league in Shanghai. AFC has gained unique visibility due to its efforts to cater to both the local and foreign demographics. All AFC events have amateur preliminary-card fights and professional main-card fights. The fights are a mixture of boxing, kickboxing, and MMA. AFC tries to break away from the typical "China vs. The World" fight-card mentality. Fighters still hail from all parts of the globe (China, USA, France, Canada, Ukraine, Morocco, Tajikistan, Thailand, Kazakstan, etc.). However, in AFC bouts are matched by skill-level not geographic origin. The result is fight events guaranteed to be action packed. Pro-Am cards also are unique in that you see fighters not just from various geographic origins, but also various backgrounds. Teachers, doctors, construction workers… all walks of life come to compete as amateurs at AFC. Fighting alongside seasoned professional veterans (some boasting as many as 100 fights), amateur competitors at AFC get a behind the scenes experience in the world of professional fighting.
