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  • The strong personal connection between President Xi and President Trump at their first summit in Florida last April led many to believe the trade rows between the world’s two largest economies could be tamed. Since then, however, the bilateral economic relations have been fraught with tensions. With the Trump administration’s avowed determination to cut down the bilateral trade deficit, protect American intellectual property, and manage the nuclear crisis in the Korean peninsula, the US has stepped up unilateral pressure on trade with China. President Trump’s high profile visit to Beijing and the $250 billion dollars of trade deals have failed to dissipate the trade war gloom. Instead, a series of trade probes, the labeling of China as strategic competitor, and the skepticism over the value of engagement coming out of Washington circles have only kindled the fear of a deterioration in the US-China trading relationship, if not a full-scale trade war, in a time of significant domestic transformations in both countries.
  • On March 21, the Center for China and Globalization (CCG) will host a lecture given by Mr. Edward Alden, the Bernard L. Schwartz Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). A prominent American trade expert and economic strategist, Mr. Alden will discuss the drivers and outcomes of the Trump administration’s trade policy, assess the challenges to the global trade system and the bilateral economic relations, and analyze the direction to which the president’s trade team is heading.


15:30 - 17:00 GMT+8



  • 15:00 - 15:30Registration
    15:30 - 15:40Welcome Remarks
    by Dr. Mabel Miao, Vice President and Secretary-General, CCG
    15:40 - 16:30Presentation
    by Mr. Edward Alden, Senior Fellow, CFR

    Edward Alden

    16:30 - 17:00Q&A



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