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2021年10月22日 GMT+8



上海明天广场 JW 万豪酒店 JW Marriott

中国上海市上海黄浦区南京西路 399 号
399 West Nanjing Road, Huangpu District



VDMA China is inviting its member companies to the 10th Mechanical Engineering Summit, which is scheduled for September 9, 2021 in Shanghai.

Lead topic in 2021 will be "China – Between Competitor and Business Partner"

The perception of China has changed in recent years. On one hand, China is a key economic partner and of major importance to the German and European mechanical engineering industry. It is the biggest export market for our industry and the second biggest foreign investment location. The business partnerships of VDMA member companies cover the whole range from customer to supplier, Joint-Venture partner, technology cooperation and strategic partnerships.

On the other hand, there is growing awareness at economic and political level about an imbalanced business environment, growing competition in general but also unfair competition. In many areas, China is no longer a developing country, including in the mechanical engineering sector. It is the second biggest exporter in the world in our sector and on its way to become a manufacturing superpower. It is this gravity field between business partner and competitor which we would like to highlight during the 10th edition of our Mechanical Engineering Summit.

Furthermore, we will introduce and discuss recent trends in technology, inviting VDMA member companies and experts to share used cases and best practices. Technology is key to our industry. Today's ultra-competitive, highly complex technology environment demands constant improvement of products and services.

Every year over 130 Top Executives from VDMA member companies get together at the Summit for information exchange, networking, and high-level round table discussions. This year we will continue the conversations with those who influence and shape the future of industries.

Join us and network with your peers at our 10th VDMA China Mechanical Engineering Summit!

We are looking forward to seeing you there.


  • Thomas Triller (Deputy Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Shanghai)

    Thomas Triller

    Deputy Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Shanghai

  • Joerg Wuttke (President, EU Chamber of Commerce in China)

    Joerg Wuttke

    President, EU Chamber of Commerce in China

  • Qingwei Xu (Senior Vice General Manager and Director of International Headquarters, Sany Group)

    Qingwei Xu

    Senior Vice General Manager and Director of International Headquarters, Sany Group

  • Chun Ye (Vice Director of the Planning and Development Department, Vice Director of the Planning and Development Department)

    Chun Ye

    Vice Director of the Planning and Development Department, Vice Director of the Planning and Development Department

  • Zhiqing Li (Executive Director of Center for Environmental Economic Studies, Fudan University)

    Zhiqing Li

    Executive Director of Center for Environmental Economic Studies, Fudan University

  • Franc Kaiser (Partner, InterChina)

    Franc Kaiser

    Partner, InterChina

  • Jie Xu (VP & MD China, Mann + Hummel (China) Co., Ltd.)

    Jie Xu

    VP & MD China, Mann + Hummel (China) Co., Ltd.

  • Michael Hackl (CEO, Hackl Technologies)

    Michael Hackl

    CEO, Hackl Technologies

  • Dr. Zhang Jinwang (Managing Director, CLAAS Sales and Service China)

    Dr. Zhang Jinwang

    Managing Director, CLAAS Sales and Service China

  • Richard Wang (General Manager, Oerlikon (China) Technology Co., Ltd.)

    Richard Wang

    General Manager, Oerlikon (China) Technology Co., Ltd.

  • Dr. Jost Wübbeke (Partner, Sinolytics)

    Dr. Jost Wübbeke

    Partner, Sinolytics

  • Daniel Berger (Partner, EAC)

    Daniel Berger

    Partner, EAC

  • SA

    Stefan Amann

    Managing Director, Ningbo pia automation holidng Corp.
