
















活动费用:3900RMB/人 (包含两天活动参会费、同传费用、资料费、一天的中餐和两日的茶歇)























08:30-09:00 签到

09:00-09:10 开幕致辞

09:10-10:20 讲座 1: 跨境调研的高级研究方法

• Laura Silver,皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)高级研究员 (确认)

10:20-10:40 茶歇

10:40-11:50 讲座2: 创立政策影响力指标

• Anthony Kim, 传统基金会(Heritage Foundation)经济自由度指数编辑兼研究主管(确认)

11:50-13:00 午餐

13:00-14:10 讲座3: 提升智库在国际关系中的影响力

• 袁鹏,中国现代国际关系研究院院长

14:20-15:30 讲座 4: 如何将学术成果转化为智库成果

• 聂辉华, 中国人民大学国家发展与战略研究院副院长 (确认)

15:30-15:50 茶歇

15:50- 17:00 讲座 5: 智库管理的模式竞争

• James G. McGann,美国宾夕法尼亚大学智库研究项目(TTCSP)主任 (确认)

17:00-17:30 总结讨论 ,结业证书颁发仪式


Edward Alden,美国对外关系委员会高级研究员

Claude Barfield,美国企业研究所高级研究员

Kent Calder,美国约翰霍普金斯大学赖肖尔东亚研究中心主任




Paul Haenle, 清华-卡内基全球政策中心主任



Andrew Hurst,加拿大国际发展研究中心智库项目主管

金 鑫,中联部当代世界研究中心主任、"一带一路"国际智库合作联盟理事会秘书长

Alexander Kallweit,德国弗里德里希·艾伯特基金会中国首席代表

Scott Kennedy (甘思德)CSIS中国研究中心主任

Anthony Kim,传统基金会(Heritage Foundation)经济自由度指数编辑兼研究主管

Grzegorz W. Kolodko,波兰华沙考明斯基大学全球化经济研究中心主任、波兰前副总理

Cheng Li(李成),美国布鲁金斯学会约翰桑顿中国中心主任

刘 宏,新加坡南洋理工大学社会科学学院院长、一带一路研究中心主任

刘 科,南方科技大学能源研究院院长、澳大利亚国家工程学院院士


Walter Lohman,美国传统基金会亚洲研究中心主任


James G. McGann,美国宾夕法尼亚大学智库项目主任

Alistair Michie(麦启安),英国东亚委员会秘书长

毛玲鳳, 团结香港基金政策倡议及推動高级经理


Adalberto Ronda, 古巴国际政策研究中心主任

Laura Silver,皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)高级研究员

苏 浩,外交学院战略与和平研究中心主任、教授

Tim Summers (夏添恩),英国皇家国际事务研究所亚洲项目高级研究员






王 勇,北京大学国际政治经济研究中心主任

Michael Winzer, 德国阿登纳基金会中国首席代表

薛 澜,清华大学苏世民书院院长

杨雪东, 中央编译局比较政治与经济中心主任


Naoyuki Yoshino, 亚洲开发银行行长兼CEO



David Zweig, 香港科技大学中国国际关系中心主任


  • 2019年05月28日

  • 2019年05月29日

08:30 - 09:00
09:00 - 09:15
09:15 - 10:30
10:30 - 10:45
10:45 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:30
13:30 - 14:45
14:45 - 16:00
16:00 - 16:30


  • 毛玲凤 (团结香港基金政策 倡议及推動高级经理)




    Angela Mo is Senior Manager of Policy Advocacy and Engagement at Our Hong Kong Foundation (OHKF), a non-profit, non-government think tank founded by the first Chief Executive of Hong Kong, Mr Tung Chee-hwa. Angela is responsible for OHKF's public affairs and international relations, advocating the policy recommendations of OHKF's Public Policy Institute (a policy research arm of OHKF), stakeholders' engagement and outreach to facilitate the advocacy, promotion and branding of OHKF, with the target that our policy recommendations will be implemented. Prior to joining OHKF, Angela was Head of the Communications Division of New People's Party, a political party founded by Mrs Regina Ip, Member of the Hong Kong Government's Executive Council and Legislative Council.

  • Naoyuki Yoshino (亚洲开发银行研究所(ADBI) 院长)

    Naoyuki Yoshino


    Naoyuki Yoshino是亚洲开发银行研究所(ADBI)院长,日本东京庆应大学名誉教授。1979年,他获得了约翰霍普金斯大学(美国)的博士学位。他在2004被任命为日本金融服务局(FSA)金融研究中心(FSA)的董事,现在是首席顾问。2007年,他被任命为财务规划标准委员会主席。他曾担任日本财政部外汇委员会及其财政制度委员会(财政投资和贷款计划科)主席。此外,他还是日本存款保险公司的董事会成员和日本政府金融系统委员会主席。

    Naoyuki Yoshino is Dean of the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) and Professor Emeritus at Keio University, Tokyo, Japan. He obtained his PhD from Johns Hopkins University (United States) in 1979. He was named Director of the Japan Financial Services Agency's (FSA) Financial Research Center (FSA Institute) in 2004 and is now Chief Advisor. He was appointed as Chair of the Financial Planning Standards Board in 2007. He has served as Chairperson of the Japanese Ministry of Finance's Council on Foreign Exchange as well as its Fiscal System Council (Fiscal Investment and Loan Program Section). Additionally, he has been a Board Member of the Deposit Insurance Corporation of Japan and President of the Financial System Council of the Government of Japan.

  • 杨亚琴 (上海社会科学院智库研究中心 执行主任)




    Yang Yaqing is Executive Director of Think Tank Research Center at Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and presides over the daily work of the Center. Also, as Chief Expert, Researcher and Doctor of Economics in Innovation Engineering, she engages in macroeconomic theory and policy decision-making consulting research. She was awarded the 10th (2018) Shanghai Municipal Innovation Award, the 38th Red Flag Pilot, the 9th (2013) Shanghai Municipal Decision Consulting Research Award and the 10th (2015) Shanghai Decision Consulting Research Award.

  • James G. McGann (美国宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院劳德研究所 国际关系高级讲师)

    James G. McGann



    James G. McGann is a senior lecturer of International Studies at the Lauder Institute, director of the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program and senior fellow, Fels Institute of Government at the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to assuming his current post, James was Assistant Director of the International Relations Program at the University of Pennsylvania. He was a National Fellow at Stanford University while writing his doctoral thesis, which examined the nature and evolution of public-policy research organizations in the United States such as Brookings Institution, Heritage Foundation, Urban Institute, and others.

  • Badenheim Alexander (阿登纳基金会(德国)北京代表处 高级项目经理)

    Badenheim Alexander


    Alexander Badenheim先生现任阿登纳基金会(德国)北京代表处高级项目经理。他曾任德国阿登纳基金会柏林总部中国事务负责人。2015-2018年间,他作为项目经理在德国阿登纳基金会北京办公室工作。Badenheim先生大学主修亚洲研究和国际安全专业,分别在德国波恩、中国上海及英国伦敦求学。此外,他还曾在位于北京的德国国际合作机构及德国驻上海领事馆积累工作经验。

    Alexander Badenheim is senior program manager at Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in Beijing. Prior to that, he was the China desk officer at the Berlin headquarters of KAS and worked as programme manager at the KAS office in Beijing between 2015 and 2018. He gathered further work experience at the German organization for international cooperation (GIZ) in Beijing as well as the German consulate general in Shanghai. His studies in Asian studies and international security led him to Bonn, Shanghai and London.

  • Silver Laura (皮尤研究中心 高级研究员)

    Silver Laura


    ura Silver,南加州大学安纳伯格传播学院博士,宾夕法尼亚大学政治学博士,现任皮尤研究中心的高级研究员。她擅长进行国际民意调查研究,并在媒体使用、欧洲合作、中国公众观点、全球对华态度等多个话题进行国际公共观点调查写作。她曾在美国国务院民意调查办公室担任外国事务研究分析员,负责设计和实施在东亚多国进行的民意调查项目。

    Laura Silver is a senior researcher at Pew Research Center. She is an expert in international survey research and writes about international public opinion on a variety of topics, including media usage and partisanship in Europe, Chinese public opinion, and global attitudes toward China. Prior to joining Pew Research Center, she was a foreign affairs research analyst at the U.S. Department of State in the Office of Opinion Research where she designed and implemented surveys in multiple countries in East Asia. Her work has been published in journals such as the International Journal of Public Opinion Research and International Studies Quarterly.

  • Anthony Kim (传统基金会《经济自由度指数》报告 研究总监和编辑)

    Anthony Kim


    Anthony B. Kim是传统基金会《经济自由度指数》报告的研究总监和编辑。他曾任传统基金会创始人Edwin J. Feulner博士办公室副主任。他的主要研究国际经济,包括经济自由政策、企业创业和国际投资等领域。Kim也负责传统基金会《经济自由度指数》报告的编辑出版工作。这项报告通过评估全球186个国家的财产所有权、企业创业等12项自由指标,分析得出世纪经济自由度指数,影响十分广泛。

    Anthony B. Kim is research manager and editor of the Index of Economic Freedom. Previously, Kim had served as Deputy Chief of Staff to Dr. Edwin J. Feulner, founder of the Heritage Foundation. Focusing on policies related to economic freedom, entrepreneurship, and investment in various countries around the world, Kim researches international economic issues. As an editor, Kim also manages the production of The Heritage Foundation’s annual Index of Economic Freedom. The Index, a widely respected policy guide book, tracks the march of economic freedom around the world by measuring 12 freedoms – from property rights to entrepreneurship – in 186 countries.

  • Christopher Preble (卡托研究所国防和外交政策研究 副总裁)

    Christopher Preble



    Christopher Preble is the vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute. He is the author of four books, including Peace, War, and Liberty: Understanding U.S. Foreign Policy, The Power Problem: How American Military Dominance Makes Us Less Safe, Less Prosperous, and Less Free . He has also published articles in major publications, including the New York Times, USA Today, the Los Angeles Times, the Financial Times, National Review, The National Interest, and Foreign Policy, and is a frequent guest on television and radio. In addition to his work at Cato, Preble teaches the U.S. foreign policy elective at the University of California, Washington Center. Before joining Cato in February 2003, he taught history at St. Cloud State University and Temple University. Preble was a commissioned officer in the U.S. Navy, and served aboard the USS Ticonderoga (CG-47) from 1990 to 1993.

  • Kathleen Newland (移民政策研究所 资深研究员和联合创始人)

    Kathleen Newland


    凯瑟琳·纽兰是移民政策研究所的资深研究员和联合创始人。她的重点是移民与发展、国际移民管理和难民保护之间的关系。她还是2011-13年国际移民参与联盟(IDEA)在MPI孵化阶段的创始理事;IDEA是MPI、国务院和美国国际开发署(U.S.Agency for International Development)的合作伙伴。她是MPI董事会成员。此前,在卡内基国际和平基金会,她是一名高级助理,后来成为国际移民政策计划(1994-01)的联合主任。她是国际救援委员会的监督者委员会和美国难民署、斯廷森中心、需要防卫的儿童(善良)和海牙移民和难民进程基金会的董事会的一员,她还是难民妇女和儿童妇女委员会的名誉主席。

    Kathleen Newland is a Senior Fellow and Co-Founder of the Migration Policy Institute. Her focus is on the relationship between migration and development, the governance of international migration, and refugee protection. She is also the Founding Director of the International diaspora Engagement Alliance (IdEA) during its incubation phase at MPI from 2011-13; IdEA was established as a partnership among MPI, the State Department, and U.S. Agency for International Development. She is a Member of the MPI Board of Trustees.
    Previously, at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, she was a Senior Associate and then Co-Director of the International Migration Policy Program (1994-01). She sits on the Board of Overseers of the International Rescue Committee and the boards of directors of USA for UNHCR, the Stimson Center, Kids in Need of Defense (KIND), and the Foundation for The Hague Process on Migrants and Refugees. She also is a Chair Emerita of the Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children.

  • Alistair Michie (英国东亚委员会 秘书长)

    Alistair Michie


    麦启安先生现任英国东亚委员会秘书长,CCG国际专家委员会主任,是卓越的公共外交专家和中国问题专家,二十多年以来,致力于构建中国与世界间的跨文化理解,努力推动中国与世界间开展更为深入的交流与合作。麦启安先生早年曾就职于英国议会,之后曾担任多位全球500强企业总裁的公共职务顾问。1993年起,麦启安作为时任渣打银行首席执行官马尔科姆·威廉姆森爵士(Sir Malcolm Williamson)的顾问,开始与中国密切互动。

    Alistair Michie is Secretary-General of British East Asia Council (BEAC) and Chair of International Council of Centre for China and Globalization (CCG). He is a leading expert in public diplomacy and China issues. For over two decades, Alistair has been committed to building global understanding of China, striving to promote in-depth exchanges and cooperation between China and the world. Before developing a focus on China Alistair worked in the UK Parliament and from 1993 advised many multinational business leaders such the CEO of Standard Chartered, Sir Malcolm Williamson.

  • 苏浩 (外交学院 教授)



    苏浩,中国外交学院外交学系教授,国际问题专家,外交学专业博士生导师,国务院“政府特殊津贴”获得者。 现任中国外交学院战略与冲突管理中心主任,“韩中思想库”论坛中方召集人。发表的论著所涉及的领域包括中国外交政策、战略与国际安全、亚太地区政治经济等方面。

    Su Hao is professor of the Department of Diplomacy of the China Foreign Affairs University, an expert on international issues, a doctoral tutor in diplomacy, and a recipient of the “Special Government Allowance” of the State Council. He is currently the director of the Center for Strategic and Conflict Management of the China Foreign Affairs University,CCG Nonresident Senior Fellow and the Chinese convener of the "Hanzhong Thought Library" Forum. The published topics include China's foreign policy, strategy and international security, and political and economic aspects in the Asia-Pacific region.

  • 王勇 (北京大学国际关系学院 教授)




    Wang Yong is Professor at School of International Relations, Peking University, Director of the Center for International Politics and Economics, PKU and CCG Nonresident Senior Fellow. His research interests include Sino-US relations, Sino-US economic relations, trade politics, regional cooperation, international economic relations, international political economy, and global governance.

  • 于运全 (当代中国与世界研究院 副主任)




    Professor Yu Yunquan, Ph.D. in History Studies, Research Fellow, Deputy Director General of Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies (ACCWS), Chief Editor of the journal International Communication, Vice President of Division of Public Relations of the Chinese Association for History of Journalism and Mass Communication (CAHJC), Vice President of Division of International Communication and Public Diplomacy of CAHJC, National Leading Talent in Press and Publishing (Academic) (2014).

  • Tim Summers (英国皇家智库 高级研究员)

    Tim Summers



    Dr. Tim Summers is Senior Consulting Fellow of Asia Programme (based in Hong Kong). Tim Summers is based in Hong Kong, where he works on China’s politics, political economy, and international relations. In addition to his role as a senior consulting fellow on the Asia programme at Chatham House, Tim is adjunct assistant professor at the Centre for China Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Tim has presented at numerous academic and policy research conferences, spoken on developments in China to corporates and at investment conferences, given evidence to the British parliament’s foreign affairs committee, been interviewed by Bloomberg, CNBC, the BBC and Sky News, and published numerous media commentaries. Prior to taking his PhD, Tim was a British diplomat for 13 years, including a posting as consul-general in Chongqing from 2004 to 2007, and work in Hong Kong from 1996 to 2001. He speaks both Cantonese and Putonghua. Current research projects: EU/UK-China relations, China’s belt and road initiative, and a book, China’s regions and their global interactions.

  • 王斯敏 (光明日报智库研究与发布中心 副主任)




    Wang Simin, Deputy Director of the Think Tank Research and Publishing Center at Guangming Daily; Chief Editor of Think Tank Monthly. Ms. Wang has won multiple awards throughout her career in journalism, including the 22th China News Awards. She is dedicated to the study of think tank construction and media and communications strategies. Led by Ms. Wang, the Think Tank Research and Publishing Center published the annual report on Chinese think tank development. She is also leading a research project of the National Social Science Foundation on the paths for Chinese think tank development.

  • David Zweig (香港科技大学人文与社会学院 副院长)

    David Zweig


    香港科技大学人文与社会科学学院副院长、社会科学学部讲座教授、环境能源与资源政策研究所主任、中国国防科技大学兼职教授。出版过《国际化中国:国内利益和全球联系》(康奈尔大学出版社,2002)、《中国向美国的人才外流》(伯克莱大学:中国研究专论,1995)《解放中国的农民: 邓小平时代的农村重建 》(M. E. Sharpe,1997)等专著。

    David Zweig is Chair Professor of Social Science, and Director of the Center on Environment, Energy, and Resource Policy. His research interests include China’s ‘resource diplomacy’, China’s human resources, Chinese politics and political economy, Sino-American relations, international and political economy, and East Asian international relations. His numerous research grants include “Resource Diplomacy under Hegemony”, “Hong Kong People on the Mainland: A Force for Integration?” , and “Hong Kong’s Contribution to China’s Modernization”. Recent publications include Internationalizing China: Domestic Interests and Global Linkages, Globalization and China’ Reforms, and “Images of the World: Studying Abroad and Chinese Attitudes towards International Affairs”

  • 潘庆中 (清华大学苏世民学院 常务副院长)




    David Qingzhong Pan is Executive Dean and Professor of Schwarzman College, Tsinghua University. He oversees all daily operations of the program.
    David's career has crossed over entrepreneurship and academics. He worked in four companies in the IT industry (1994-2004), serving as an Engineer, Director of R&D, VP, CEO and Chairman. He was granted various awards for scientific and technological innovation in China.
    From 2004 to 2014, he returned to Tsinghua and served as Director of the Development Office of the School of Economics and Management (SEM). He was in charge of activities of SEM's Advisory Board, which consists of top executives of the world's largest corporations and top Chinese government officials. He also has taught courses at Tsinghua University including Managerial Economics, Corporate Governance, FDI and MIS, and has conducted research in the areas of corporate governance, corporate development, and Chinese economic history.
    David received a BE in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from Tsinghua University in 1985. He then studied a Master's in Economics and Ph.D. in Finance (1985-1990) at Tsinghua SEM, before earning a Master of Science from Stanford University (1993). He is appointed as the "Jingshi Distinguished Professor".

  • 朱旭峰 (清华大学公共管理学院 副院长)




    Xufeng ZHU is currently Professor and Associate Dean at the School of Public Policy and Management (SPPM) and Executive Director of the Institute for Sustainable Development Goals, Tsinghua University (TUSDG), Deputy Director of the Science & Technology Development and Governance Center, Tsinghua University (TUSTDG), and Director of the Think Tank Research Center of the SPPM. Dr. ZHU earned his bachelor’s degree in environment engineering and doctor’s degree in public management from Tsinghua University in 2000 and 2005. Before he moved back to Tsinghua University, he served as Professor at the Zhou Enlai School of Government, Nankai University.

  • 迟福林 (中国(海南)改革发展研究院 院长)




    Mr. Chi Fulin, professor, chief research fellow and Ph.D student supervisor, is currently president of China Institute for Reform and Development (CIRD). He has been a member of the 11th and 12th National Committee of CPPCC. He has been invited to be vice chairman of China Society of Economic Reform, vice chairman of China Society of Administrative Reform, and distinguished professor at universities including Chinese Academy of Governance, Peking University and Northeastern University. He has served as a member of the National Experts Committee for Programming Economic and Social Development in the 13th Five-year Plan Period, been appointed vice chairman of the Expert Committee for state market regulatory administration. He is also policy decision-making advisor for provincial governments such as Shandong 、Guangdong and Hainan.

    He, as an expert, has been entitled to the State Council’s special allowances. He has been awarded “the Five-One Project Publications Prize”, the Sun Yefang Economic Science Award and the China Development Research Award. He is also awarded the title of “Top Outstanding Talents in China” and selected as one of the “100 Economists Who Have Influenced China’s Economic Construction in the Last 60 Years”. His works are selected and included in the Overview on the academic Achievements of Well-known Chinese Scientists in the 20th Century (Economics Volume).

  • 李国强 (国务院发展研究中心 研究员)




    Li Guoqiang serves as a research fellow, professor and doctoral tutor at the Development Research Center of the State Council, and is the former deputy director of the Institute of Public Administration and Human Resources Development Research Center of the State Council. Throughout his career he has engaged in consultations on economic policy, public management, policy research and decision-making. He has also led, presided over and participated in policy research and decision-making consultations for many countries outside China. Li Guoqiang has published hundreds of research reports, papers and numerous books. Some of his research has been selected and commented upon by Party and state leaders, playing an active role in promoting the reform and development of related industries. Li Guoqiang has received numerous awards for his work and has held positions as an honorary director, honorary dean, senior fellow, senior consultant, general consultant and chief expert in wide array of organizations.

  • 鹿琦 (广东省政府研究部门 顾问)




    From 2004 to 2018, LU Qi worked as the consultant for research department of Guangdong provincial government. During this period, he engaged in Sino-US relations, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao affairs, economic and non-traditional security, overseas interests protection and other research and practice.
    He became a part-time researcher of Instellisa  Institute after it's founded in 2015, and director of the research department of Instellisa Institute in 2019.
    As the founding artner and CEO of Red Penguin Limited, he has been engaged in pharmaceutical industry management and medical industry consulting since 2005. He has experience over 13 years of practical experience in non-traditional safety risk assessment such as disease prevention and control, medical system construction, and medical industry supply chain operation. He has in-depth research on overseas medical industry structure and system and relevant investment experience many years. he has been engaged in investment consulting and overseas mergers and acquisitions for medical devices, pharmaceutical circulation and medical service companies; and has served as a consultant for medical big data companies, industry consulting organizations and Chinese medicine moxibustion products manufacturers. Currently he is responsible for the investment and financing of the medical industry and the overall business planning of the enterprise.

  • 王健 (对外经济贸易大学 教授)



    王健,对外经济贸易大学国际经贸学院教授、博士生导师、国际商务研究中心主任、APEC跨境电子商务创新发展研究中心主任。APEC电子商务工商联盟专家委员会主席、联合国无纸贸易专家、联合国国际贸易法委员会立法专家、商务部电子商务专家委员会委员、中国国际贸易促进委员会专家委员会委员。他为政策制定者和监管机构提供了大量关于电子商务模式和监管的研究和咨询,并积极参与亚太经合组织和联合国关于中国跨境电子商务创新和发展、政策讨论以及电子商务法制定等相关活动。 此外,他还教授进出口业务、国际商务谈判和期货市场等课程。

    Jian Wang, professor of international business and e-business, University of International Business and Economics(UIBE), Beijing, China. He is chaiman of experts of APEC e-commerce Alliance, an expert of UN trade facilitation, an expert of Digital Economy Committee of International Chamber of Commerce, and an advisor for Ministry of Commerce and China Council for Promotion of International Trade. He has done a lot of research and consulting on e-business models and regulation for policy makers and regulators. He is also an active participant in APEC and U.N. events on China's Cross-border E-commerce Innovation and developmen, policy discussion and e-commerce law. Besides, he also teaches import & export business and international business negotiations, futures market, etc.




门票包含两天活动费用, 费用具体包括两日活动入场费、同传费用、资料费、一份中餐和两日的茶歇

标准价格 人民币 3,900