This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Beijing Women's Network events.

Most of us, ladies, have grown up watching films like Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. From early childhood, we are sold dreams of our own fairy-tale love stories.

But then we grew up and were rudely awakened by reality! Not only is it harder to find a prince or princess charming but our world has changed rapidly since our childhoods. Globalization, technology, and social media have completely transformed the landscape that surrounds love, romance, and even marriage.

Not only do we now have dating apps and match-making services, but we're also more likely to enter into long-distance relationships, find a significant other from different cultural backgrounds, and date many more people before we "settle down."

To make things even more complicated, professional women are now changing gender roles in unprecedented ways. We are challenging the traditional beliefs that our parents often want us to hold onto. We have to navigate an unknown space and may encounter conflict about what is and isn't appropriate when it comes to modern women and dating. And we often find ourselves torn between our traditions and wanting to try out those tempting "what ifs."

Therefore, it is clear that we are living in an age of nontraditional love stories. But it's time to finally open the conversation. Forget about feeling awkward or shameful. Let's shine a light on these stories, amplify them, and support each other through them.

Join us next Thursday, September 19th for free food and to listen to some of the most entertaining, moving and inspirational nontraditional love stories within our own community!




婚恋平台的兴起、 异地恋的普及、离婚率的上升甚至恋爱对象的多样化都跟我们母辈的故事远远不同。我们的父母却往往希望我们继续守候他们传统的观念。我们就这样尴尬地存在着,不断地徘徊中,左右为难。听从自己的内心又感到内疚、听从父母的意愿又难受。

我们已经进入了一个非传统爱情故事的时代了,该是时候为自己重新定义适合自己的爱情和婚姻观。不要再为自己的选择感到尴尬或羞耻。这周四 (9月19),跟我们一起来聆听一些最有趣、最感人、最鼓舞人心的非传统爱情故事!



本次活动由Beijing Women's Network和Next Gen Women's Program联合主办。若您还不是Beijing Women's Network的微信会员,请加微信ledo3454并申请加入微信群。


This event is trans-positive and trans-inclusive and ONLY OPEN for people who identify as a woman.

This event is brought to you by the Beijing Women's Network and the Next Gen Women's Program. If you are not yet a member of the Beijing Women's Network on WeChat, please add WeChat: ledo3454 and ask to be added into the groups.


Inn Cube
9/F 京朝大厦 农展馆南路5号 团结湖

北京, China

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For additional event or venue information, please email leslie.dong@pursuitinternational.comYou can also reach us at +86 13240368314

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