Welcome to our upcoming live stream on November 30th, where we will delve into the crucial topic of Change Management. Change is a constant in today's dynamic world, and managing it effectively is essential for the success of individuals and organizations. Join us as we explore strategies, best practices, and real-life examples to help you navigate and drive positive change. Be ready for an insightful discussion with Stella Yan, ISLC alumnae, and gain valuable insights to apply in your personal and professional life.

欢迎参加我们即将于11月30日举行的直播活动,我们将深入探讨关键的变革管理主题。在当今充满动态变化的世界中,变革是不断发生的,有效地管理变革对于个人和组织的成功至关重要。加入我们,一起探讨策略、最佳实践和实际案例,帮助您成功应对和推动积极的变革。准备好与ISLC校友Stella Yan进行深入的讨论,获取宝贵的见解,可应用于您的个人和职业生活中。