German Chamber of Commerce in China - Shanghai

The GCC • Shanghai is a membership organization for German companies and individuals actively engaged in the business community in Shanghai as well as the neighbouring provinces Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Anhui. It is officially registrated in Beijing and consists of three equal regional chambers in Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai. Each chamber has its own localized setup to fulfill the requests of its members. The chambers are financed exclusively through
membership fees and corporate sponsorship and receive no financial support from Germany. With more than 1,300 member companies, the German Chamber in Shanghai is one of the largest foreign Chambers in the country. It supports services to German companies in the development of their business and connects the business community through the monthly chamber meetings, through a variety of workshops on current and industry related issues as
well as through regular social events.

Contact us

This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other German Chamber of Commerce in China - Shanghai events.


Heiliger Schein oder Heiliges Sein?


Am heiligen Abend geht es um das Heilige: Die Heilige Familie, die Heilige Nacht, das Heilige Kind und etwas spรคter die Heiligen drei Kรถnige. Doch wer oder was ist Heilig? Im Credo bekennt die glaubende Gemeinde, sie glaube an die "Heilige christliche allgemeine (katholische) Kirche, die Gemeinschaft der Heiligen". Wer ist damit gemeint? Und was bedeutet das? Was ist damit gemeint fรผr mein Leben? Wenn ich es als mehr oder weniger glรคubiger Mensch fรผhre, vielleicht aber auch รผberhaupt, sozusagen "Elementar-Menschlich": Gibt es ein "Heiliges Sein" oder gaukelt sich im Weihnachtszauber ein Heiliger Schein in die Wirklichkeit? Weihen wir mรถglicherweise damit sogar die Scheinheiligkeit? Das Pfarrteam begibt sich an diesem Abend auf die Suche nach Kriterien und MaรŸstรคben fรผr Heil und Heilendes im Heiligen, aber auch nach seinen menschlichen Grenzen. 

Sprache/Language: Deutsch/German

Terms & Conditions:

Events have limited seating, so to ensure your attendance we encourage you to register in advance. We cannot guarantee entry to those that have not pre-registered. If you registered for an event but can not attend, please do let us know in advance. No-shows who fail to cancel 24 hours before the event will be charged with the full price.

Please note the views expressed in this event are those of our guest speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the German Chamber of Commerce in China | Shanghai. All our events follow the Chatham House Rule unless otherwise stated. The posting of presentation materials is at the speakers' discretion. We reserve the right to use any photograph/video taken at any of our events.

Speakers & Moderator

Dr. Annette Mehlhorn (Pfarrerin at DCGS)

Dr. Annette Mehlhorn

Pfarrerin at DCGS

Dr. Michael Bauer (Pfarrer at DCGS)

Dr. Michael Bauer

Pfarrer at DCGS

Mr. Titus von dem Bongart (Moderator) (Partner / Head of GBN Greater China, ASEAN, and Korea Ernst & Young (China) Advisory Ltd. Shanghai Branch Office)

Mr. Titus von dem Bongart (Moderator)

Partner / Head of GBN Greater China, ASEAN, and Korea Ernst & Young (China) Advisory Ltd. Shanghai Branch Office


December 12, 2019

Main Schedule

6:00 PM - 6:50 PM
6:50 PM - 7:00 PM
ร–ffnen der Tรผren
7:00 PM - 7:30 PM
7:30 PM - 8:15 PM
8:15 PM - 9:00 PM
Vortrag Dr. Mehlhorn & Dr. Bauer
Dr. Michael Bauer (Pfarrer at DCGS)
Dr. Michael Bauer
Dr. Annette Mehlhorn (Pfarrerin at DCGS)
Dr. Annette Mehlhorn
9:00 PM - 9:15 PM
9:15 PM - 9:30 PM



2nd Floor Crystal Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Hotel
88 Century Avenue, Pudong New district, Shanghai

Contact us

For additional event or venue information, please send an email to

See route

Member Price

To be paid on-site by WeChat, Alipay, Cash or Credit Card. Fapiao will be issued in 15-20 working days.

Door PriceRMB 480

Member Couple Price (Member+Spouse)

To be paid on-site by WeChat, Alipay, Cash or Credit Card. Fapiao will be issued in 15-20 working days.

Door PriceRMB 960

Non-member Price

To be paid on-site by WeChat, Alipay, Cash or Credit Card. Fapiao will be issued in 15-20 working days.

Door PriceRMB 800

Event Partners

Become a Partner

The Chamber Meetings are the monthly held flagship event of the German Chamber of Commerce which attracted over 150 high level representatives from different companies. Become a Partner of the Chamber Meeting, your company will receive significant exposure not only among the German business community, but also many international guests! We are looking forward to welcoming you as our event partner!

Please click here to find out more about the partnership program.

Contact: Ms. Jessica QI +86-21-3858-5050

๏ปฟor Ms. Julia Schneider  +86-21-3858-5241