Tuesday, September 3, 2024 (3:00 PM - 4:30 PM) GMT+8
Dear VDMA Member,
Below the radar of public attention, Chinese authorities continue to implement and fine-tune China's Corporate Social Credit System (CSCS). Not only is the number of newly applicable ratings for companies steadily increasing, also the number of blacklisted companies is higher than ever, with prominent cases including large and also foreign companies. The credit and compliance information collected by government agencies on companies in China and stored in the CSCS database(s) has also continued to expand, covering a wide range of areas from basic market registration information to compliance in specific regulatory areas such as food safety, labor safety, or data and cyber security. Mechanisms such as comprehensive scorings, which publicly provide an overall assessment of a company's social credit performance, and risk scorings, which predict the likelihood of future non-compliance, are increasingly at work - all behind the enormous political and technical challenge of systematically integrating data across administrative levels, departments and locations. This VDMA event will provide deep insights into the current state of China's Corporate Social Credit System and how companies can pragmatically manage the system's impact on their business in China.
Event Details:
Event Agenda:
15:00 Welcome by VDMA
15:10 China's Corporate Social Credit System: A Status Update on a Moving Target by Mirjam Meissner, Managing Partner at Sinolytics
15:45 Case studie of businesses adapting to the CSCS
16:00 Q&A
16:30 End
For event registration please click the following link:
We look forward to your participation in what promises to be an insightful discussion.
Format & Language:
Event Contact Person:
Ms. Shuyi Sun
Email: shuyi.sun@chinavdma.org
Tel: +86 10 8773 0210-811
German Mechanical Engineering Commercial Services (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (GMECS)
GMECS is an organisation under the umbrella of VDMA
Unit 0501G, DRC Liangmaqiao Diplomatic Office Building, No. 19 Dongfang East Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, P.R.China