Dr. Alexander Broos, age 48, is Director of Research and Technology at VDW, the German Machine Tool Builders Association.
His department deals with all technical issues concerning machine tools which stem from policy making, standardization, or other stakeholders, where a joint common position of the German machine tool industry is required. Topics include, e.g., environmental issues (energy efficiency, noise, waste, and water management, EMC, etc.), the safety of machinery (especially machine tools), patent monitoring, export controls, and digitization (Industrie 4.0). Since 2018, Dr. Broos is the lead of the international initiative for the use of open, standardized communication interfaces for machinery, umati (universal machine technology interface). Since 2023, he is Chairman of the ISO/TC 39/SC 2 standardization committee for machine tools testing conditions.
In addition, Dr. Broos is General Manager of the joint research association for machine tools and manufacturing technology, VDW Forschungsinstitut, where companies work with research institutions to extend the boundaries of science with direct application to machine tools and related systems.
Dr. Broos holds a doctorate in mechanical engineering from the wbk Institute of Production Science at the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT, Germany).