课程背景 Course Background
With the continuous development of "Short Videos" and the communities, it is no longer a simple music + individual scene changes. In the face of huge traffic, a wave of content entrepreneurs are coming in. There are self-media directions, brand promotion, and teaching. The competition for "Short Video" traffic is increasing. Many "Short Video" operators want to know how to quickly increase the amount of "Short Video" playback and praise, and occupy a place in the "Short Video" arena. The amount of customer acquisition costs directly determines the size of business orders, whether it is location drainage, personnel drainage, advertising drainage - all traditional drainage methods have extremely unreasonable "cost of acquisition", and now, all walks of life Competition has intensified, companies with brands and channel advantages have seized the market share, and SMEs and entrepreneurs are under increasing pressure to survive.
There are many "Loogoos" (Technology that is more advanced than high technology) about drainage technologies hidden on the Internet. These technologies are only in the hands of very few people who succeed in the Internet field. They keep their mouth shut and never let them out, because they understand that the more widely they are used, the less effective they will be. Therefore, they quietly reap millions of fans, hide in the corner and make a fortune! How to build a community? The community is the only way under the development of new media. Every new media person has to learn. The lecturer "the Beard" will share the community case in detail in this course so that you can truly understand how to build a brand community, how to develop stabilize users of the community and guide these users to consume, support, promote products and services, ultimately establish a sound ecosystem of community.
课程内容 Course Content
第一讲: "落后就一定会挨打"的底层逻辑
Lecture 1: The underlying logic of "If you fall behind, you will be beaten"
第二讲: 短视频运营全攻略
Lecture 2: The operation strategy of short video
第三讲: 社群,建立属于你自己的用户池
Lecture 3: The community, building your own user pool
第四讲: 短视频与社群的商业变现
Lecture 4: Business realization of "Short Video" and community
09:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 10:40
10:40 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:00
13:00 - 15:30
15:30 - 15:45
15:45 - 16:30
For SwissCham members
For non-members
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