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Business Experience Extraction and Review

业务经验萃取与复盘 2天版

课程目标 Goals

  • 了解业务经验萃取对工作效率提升的重要性;Understand the value of business experience extraction for productivity improvement.
  • 掌握业务经验萃取的关键步骤及核心原则;Master key steps and core principles for business experience extraction.
  • 学会基于业务经验设计和撰写优秀的实战案例;Design and write practical and reasonable cases based on business experience.
  • 基于学员个人工作经验,进行业务萃取的综合演练;Conduct hands-on practice based on individual work experiences.
  • 学习如何在工作项目结束后进行有效复盘,为业务经验萃取提供资源;know how to conduct project reviews, furthermore able to provide valuable business experiences.

课程对象 Target Groups

  • 需要提升业务经验萃取和复盘技巧的职场人士
  • All employees, who has interest to improve their business experience extraction and review skills


DAY1 第一天

第一部分 深入理解业务经验萃取的意义

Part 1: Understand the value of business experience extraction for productivity improvement.

1. 热身活动:你的成功故事分享 Warm Up: Your Success Story

2. 企业为什么要做业务经验萃取 Why should do business experience extraction

· 经验萃取对企业和团队的意义:组织智慧的沉淀及知识管理

Importance for Team and Organzation: deposition of organisational wisdom and knowledge management

· 经验萃取的两种模式:UGC(个人经验萃取)和PGC(团队经验萃取)

2 Modules: UGC and PGC

· 经验萃取、案例分享及工作复盘的关系

Relationship among experience extraction, case sharing and daily retrospective

· 案例分析:银行柜员的经验萃取案例

Case Study: Bank Clerk

3. 做好业务经验萃取的关键 Essentials for good business experience extraction

· 头脑风暴:业务经验萃取中常见的问题有哪些

Brainstorm: Common problems in business experience extraction

· 萃取内容选取的五大标准

Five criteria for extraction content

· 用有效访谈从专家处获取经验

Effective interviews: Gain experiences from experts

第二部分 循序渐进萃取业务经验

Part 2: Step-by-step Extracting Business Experience

1. 视频案例:他为什么成功说服了客户 Video: Why he convinced the client successfully?

2. 业务经验萃取的四大步骤 Four steps of business experience extraction

· 步骤一:建构框架 Step 1: Constructe Framework

· 步骤二:梳理关键 Step 2: Sort out the Keys

· 步骤三:识别障碍 Step 3: Identify Barriers

· 步骤四:配备工具 Step 4: Equippe with Tools

3. 从业务经验中提炼核心框架 Core framework from business experience

· 运用"全程法"和"要步法"从工作中提炼框架

Whole Process and Key Steps in daily work

· 案例解析:如何提炼"有效管理情绪"中的关键步骤

Case Study: How to distil key steps in 'Managing emotions effectively' ?

· 对框架的合理性进行检验

Validity of the Framework

4. 梳理影响业务结果的关键要点 Key result areas for business

· 小组讨论:业务流程存在哪些关键要点

Group discussion: Key points in business processes

· 关键要点的范围:关键动作、关键语言、关键想法、关键人物

Key points: key actions, key words, key ideas, key person

· 学会运用STAR工具梳理关键要点

Learn to STAR

· 互动练习:STAR工具使用练习

Interactive exercise: STAR Pactice

5. 寻找实现关键要点的主要障碍 Identify the Barriers

· 案例解析:客户服务中的痛点和难点

Case study: Pain Points and Difficulties in customer service

· 运用5Why法分析障碍点的原因

Problem Solving: Five Whys Analysis

· 识别表面原因和底层原因

Identify the symptoms and root causes

6. 设计解决问题的工具和方法 Design tools and methods for problem solving

· 授人以渔和授人以鱼

Teach to Fish vs. Give Fish

· 业务经验萃取的关键成果

Key outcomes of business experience extraction

· 案例解析:给面试者的提问宝典

Case study: A guide questions to interviewees

7. 用工具表辅助经验萃取的进行 Templates for Extraction

· 经验萃取工具表使用要点介绍

Introduction for Toolkit

· 经验萃取工具表使用案例分享

Case Sharing

第三部分 小组业务经验萃取练习

Part 3. Group Exercise: Business Experience Extraction

1. 小组业务经验场景选取 Scenarios Selection

· 以小组为单位,挑选适合萃取的业务经验场景

Choose business senario in a group

2. 小组业务经验萃取实践 Group Practice

· 按照萃取的四步流程,小组内部完成萃取过程

Follow 4 steps, accomplish your group exercise

3. 小组萃取成果汇报 Presentation of Extraction Result

· 小组派代表分享所萃取的业务经验

Each group represent your extracted business experience

DAY2 第二天

第四部分 个人业务经验萃取练习

Part 4: Individual Business Experience Extraction

1. 个人业务经验场景选取 Individual Business Scenarios

· 学员挑选各自适合萃取的业务经验场景

Select your individual business scenarios

2. 个人业务经验萃取实践 Extraction Practice

· 按照萃取的四步流程,个人完成萃取过程

Follow 4 steps, accomplish individual extraction process

· 完成《业务经验萃取工具表》的填写

Finish Extraction Tool Form

3. 业务经验萃取的反思和启发 Reflection from Business Extraction

· 小组讨论:业务经验萃取中的挑战和反思

Group Discuss: Challenge and Reflection

第五部分 将业务经验编写成学习案例

Part 5 Develop your Learning Case

1. 学习案例的价值和意义 Value of the Learning Case

· 知识管理和案例学习

Knowledge management and case study learning

· 了解故事的力量

Power of Story

· 成功的案例和失败的案例

Success vs. Failure

2. 参照案例框架进行案例写作 Frameworks for Case Writing

· 案例解析:应对客户投诉的标准案例

Standard Case Study: Response to customer complains

· 案例写作的参考框架拆解

Break-down the Case Structure

· 案例写作中要注意的关键要点

Key points in case

3. 完成个人案例写作练习 Write your Case

· 互动练习:个人业务案例写作练习

Interactive exercise: personal business case writing

4. 学习案例分享 Case Sharing

第六部分 工作复盘和经验萃取

Part 6. Review and Extraction

1. 什么是工作复盘 What's Review in daily work?

· 复盘的概念和来源


· 工作复盘与经验萃取的关系

Review and Extraction

· 案例解析:直播复盘给业绩带来的提升

Case study: Live replay brings performance improvement

2. 开展工作复盘的标准流程 Standard Process for Review

· 工作复盘的四步法流程 4 Steps Process

· 在复盘中平衡优势及劣势 Balance strengths and weaknesses

· 如何确保复盘真正起到作用 How review really works?

3. 工作复盘实战练习 Practices on Review

· 互动练习:工作复盘模拟练习

Interactive exercise: Simulation

4. 从学习中提升个人竞争力 Personal Competitiveness: Learning

· 互联网时代的学习趋势

Learning in new era

· 运用有效工具为职场发展赋能

Develop yourself with useful tools

· 制定未来三个月的行动计划

3-months Action Plan

课程总结 Review and Questions



contact person

Ms. Xueting Wang 王雪婷

Business Development Manager

Tel.:+86 21 6248 8029 - 706


German Mechanical Engineering Service (BJ) Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch (GMECS)