Event Details

Electro-mobility has its fans and its critics. Supporters see the potential in climate- friendly transport, skeptics are worried about the inconvenience of charging during longer trips, and about the sustainability of the energy mix with which their car is fueled. But how do these worries play out in reality? Anders Hove has taken it upon himself to compare the use-case for electric cars on a 3000 miles road trip which took him across three continents: He explored China in a Nio, Europe in an Audi, and the US in a Tesla. How did the charging experience compare from a user's perspective? How clean was the energy mix?

In this webinar, Anders Hove will share his direct experiences with the three different cars in the different environments and answer questions on how did the experiences compare, and can we improve our framework assessing charging infrastructure based on this experience?

Target Group: General public interested in sustainability, electro-mobility, user-design; German, Chinese, international automotive sector community (enterprises, associations, specialist circles)

Language: English

Fee: GCC Members and Wirtschaftsjunioren: free | Non-Members: RMB 80

Please note:

  • Please register before May 06, 12 pm!
  • Please only register if you´re certain to attend the webinar, otherwise you might block the seat for another person.
  • Registration and payment upfront is mandatory. Please register first and you will receive an Email including payment instructions within two days.
  • Paid participants will receive a confirmation mail including login link (zoom) and access information for the webinar on May 06, after 3 pm.
  • Electronic fapiao will be sent to your email within one week after the event.


4:30 PM - 4:40 PM
Login & Setup
4:40 PM - 4:45 PM
Opening remarks by German Chamber of Commerce in China/Wirtschaftsjunioren Beijing
4:45 PM - 5:05 PM
5:05 PM - 5:25 PM
Q&A Session
5:25 PM - 5:30 PM
Closing remarks by the German Chamber of Commerce in China/Wirtschaftsjunioren


  • Anders Hove

    Anders Hove

    Anders Hove is Project Director at GIZ for the project German Energy Transition Expertise for China, funded by the German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). He has worked in Beijing since 2010 and has more than 20 years of public and private sector experience related to energy policy and markets, including nine years on Wall Street and 10 years in China. He began his career as an energy policy analyst with the Rand Corporation in Washington, DC, then performed equity research in the electric utilities and oil services sectors with Deutsche Bank AG and Jefferies and Co. In 2007, at the initial stages of the solar boom, Anders worked for a hedge fund making private equity investments in clean energy technologies and projects, particularly solar. In 2010, Anders relocated to Beijing, where he became director of research analytics at the China Greentech Initiative. In 2012, Anders went to Azure International where he managed the Cleantech Advisory team, working on advisory projects focused on energy storage, solar, wind and smart grid technologies. From 2014 to 2017 he was Associate Director for China Research at the Paulson Institute, where he guided the Institute’s research related to China air quality and climate change, and developed insights related to policy, market and technology solutions.

    Anders has both a Master of Science and a Bachelor of Science in Political Science from MIT, and he is a Chartered Financial Analyst. He is the author of numerous reports and articles related to the energy sector in China.

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Standard Price Complimentary
Door Price RMB 80