In-Person Talk

With Dan Wang

Tech analyst at Gavekal Dragonomics

Wednesday 30 November, 7pm

The US government is rolling out unprecedented sanctions aimed at restricting China's access to the most advanced semiconductor and microchip technology.

We invite a leading thinker on these issues to explore why the US imposed the measures, what the consequences will be for Chinese industries, and what it all means for US-China competition.

Our Speaker

Dan thinks and writes about technology and high-tech industrialization for Gavekal Dragonomics, a global macro research firm. He's focused on China's technological progress, semiconductors, and the effects of US regulatory actions. He appears frequently in international media.


  • Wednesday 30 November, 7pm
  • Members: Free
  • Non-members 120RMB paid at door
  • Address: Gang Tai Plaza, 700 East Yan'an Road, 24/F, Room H10-11 (M: Peoples Square / Dashijie) // 延安东路700号港泰大厦24层,H10+11会议室

"Broadly speaking, I'm trying to understand the East Asian industrialization story: the history and the path forward." -- Dan Wang