Community Center Shanghai (CCS) and TEAM Education will host a special talk for you and your ambitious kids! What is Harvard really like? Who gets in? How did they do it?
12 current Harvard undergrads, all members of Harvard's famous acappella singing group the Din & Tonics, will share their thoughts about their Harvard experience with you. They are Economics, Computer Science, Molecular Biology, Math, Theatre and Sociology Majors. The presentation will befollowed by Q & A Session and a performance!
哈佛著名的无伴奏合唱团体Din & Tonics的成员--分别来自经济学、计算机科学、分子生物学、数学、戏剧和社会学等专业的12名目前在读的哈佛本科生,将来到C-TALK,和听众分享他们对于哈佛经历的感受和想法,之后会有问答环节以及清唱表演!
Date: Jan 13, 2018 (Sunday)
Time: 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Location: CCS Pudong Center: Tower A, 3/F, 1146 Biyun Rd, Jinqiao, Pudong, Shanghai
Language: English
The talk is free, but the registration is required.
*No Child care provided - we ask that children accompanying their parents should be over 7 years old"
欢迎7 周岁以上的学生与家长一起参加
Jan 20: What A Difference A Summer Makes - What to do about Summer for your children in grade 7 - 8.
1月20日:如何利用好暑假时光——针对7 - 8 年级的孩子,宝贵的暑假时光该如何规划。
February: The Self Driven Child
March: How to Choose a College
April: Surviving and Thriving in College