Event Details

Dear Members of SwissCham South China,


We are pleased to announce that this year's Regional Annual General Assembly (RAGA) of SwissCham South China will be held on Saturday, March 16th, 2024, in Shenzhen.


The RAGA is an excellent opportunity for our members to review SwissCham South China's performance over the past year, decide upon financial matters, elect new Regional Board members, and agree on the program and budget for 2024/25. We believe that attending the RAGA is important, as it allows you to make your voice heard and play a role in shaping the future of our organization.


As usual, the RAGA is not only about formalities and business but also an excellent opportunity to gather with other SwissCham members and enjoy a nice evening. Therefore, we are glad to invite our members to a dinner after the RAGA.


Proxy of Regional Annual General Assembly (RAGA) - SwissCham South China


In case of absence, we kindly request that you fill out and return the Proxy Form (in attachment) to us at lucas.li@swisscham-gz.org before March 13th. Please note that your voting rights are subject to two requirements.


  • You are a confirmed Member of SwissCham South China with voting rights. 您已成为中国瑞士商会华南分会的正式会员,并拥有投票权。
  • You have paid your 2023/2024 membership fee before the Regional Annual General Assembly 2024. 您在2024华南区域年度大会前已经足额缴纳您的2023/24年会员费用。


Proxy Form for RAGA 2024 South China.docxdownload
Proxy Form for NAGA 2024.docxdownload
SwissCham South China 2023 RAGA Minutes.pdfdownload

Event Details

Date: Saturday, March 16th, 2024


Time: 5PM - 9.30PM


Venue: BRUMA, Room2611, Floor 26, Block B, Building 3. One Avenue, Fuhua 5th Rd, Futian, Shenzhen

地点:深圳福华5路卓越世纪中心3号楼B座26楼2611号 BRUMA



Room2611, F26 Block B, Building 3. One Avenue, Fuhua 5th Rd, Futian, Shenzhen

Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

If you have any questions please contact SwissCham South China

Contact Organizer

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5:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Apéro & Registration 会员嘉宾签到
5:30 PM - 6:15 PM
Regional Annual General Assembly 区域年度大会
1. Introduction and welcome 介绍与欢迎2. Quorum confirmation, election of vote counter and president...
1. Introduction and welcome 介绍与欢迎

2. Quorum confirmation, election of vote counter and president of the day 确认法定人数、选举计票员和当日主席

3. Application for changes & confirmation of the agenda 申请修改和确认议程

4. Minutes of the last RAGA 上一届大会会议纪要

5. 2023 Activity report 2023年活动报告

6. Treasurer’s report 财务报告

7. Discharge of the regional board 区域董事会解散

8. Election and confirmation of board members and president 选举和确认董事会成员和主席

9. Outlook 2024 展望2024年

10. Budget 2024 2024年预算

11. Varia 其他
SwissCham South China 2023 RAGA Minutes.pdfdownload
view more
6:20 PM - 9:00 PM
Buffet Dinner & Social Gathering 自助晚宴

Board of Directors 2023/2024 - South China

SwissCham South China Board Member functions

The Board of Directors of SwissCham South China is composed of 9 members and includes the following functions:

· 1 President

· 1 Vice President

· 1 Treasurer

· 1 Secretary

· 5 Ordinary members (up to 8 possible)

Become our Next board members? 成为我们的下一任董事会成员?

Are you a senior manager at a Swiss company/organization or a indivisual Swiss expert, driven by a passion for your professional field and eager to make a meaningful impact for our committees? If so, we believe you are the perfect candidate to join our esteemed Board of Directors. By joining us, you'll not only gain a comprehensive understanding of our chamber and the business community but also have the unique opportunity to represent Switzerland and the largest SwissCham in Asia. If you're interested in these exciting prospects and would like to be considered, please send your CV to our South China Office Manager, Lucas Li at lucas.li@swisscham-gz.org


Please RSVP before March 12th 2024. 请于2024年3月12日前完成报名。

We are looking forward to seeing you on Saturday, March 16th 2024 in Shenzhen. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need further information or have any questions. 


Best regards 此致敬意,

Your SwissCham South China Team 您的瑞士商会华南地区团队