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Dear Members and Friends of SwissCham,
SwissCham is delighted to invite you to the upcoming webinar of stars webinar series in 2023: Staying in Dialogue with China. The first webinar will be held online on Friday, February 24th. For this occasion, stars Foundation Board Member Markus HERRMANN, Managing Director at China Macro Group (CMG), will be talking to Joerg WUTTKE, President, European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC); Member, stars International Board, Beijing, about China's economy post-Covid. This webinar has been supported and co-branded in cooperation with SwissCham China, European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC), the Danish Chamber of Commerce in China, as well as Caixin Global as a media partner and the China Macro Group as a knowledge partner.
With 3%, the country in 2022 recorded the worst economic performance since 1976 – with the exception of 2020, the year Covid hit the world. A strict "zero COvid" policy that has at times locked down metropolitan areas that account for up to 40% of China's GDP, an international environment dampened by Russia's war in Ukraine and global protectionist tendencies, as well as domestic regulatory measures, most notably in real estate, have dealt a heavy blow to the world's second-largest economy. Now, with Covid restrictions lifted, businesses and investors wonder what 2023 might have in store, and how the Chinese economy will fare beyond 2023. Can we expect a quick recovery on the back of so-called revenge spending by consumers, largely contained to their homes in 2022? Does the Chinese government manage to restore confidence among consumers and businesses and stabilize capital and real estate markets? And what do these trends and developments mean for foreign businesses and their China strategies?
Join us to find out more.
Kindly note: This webinar is held under Chatham House Rules and will not be recorded. We are looking forward to welcoming you to this interesting seminar.
中国瑞士商会诚邀邀请您参加stars2023年网络系列研讨会:与中国保持对话。首次线上研讨会将于2月24日星期五举行。stars瑞士校友会会长和stars基金会董事会成员、China Macro Group (CMG) 的联合创始人兼董事总经理Markus HERRMANN将对话欧盟商会主席,stars北京国际董事会成员Joerg WUTTKE,探讨疫情后的中国经济。该网络研讨会得到了中国瑞士商会、中国欧盟商会(EUCCC)、丹中商会的支持,以及财新环球作为媒体合作伙伴和Macro Group作为知识合作伙伴。
严格的"清零"政策使占中国GDP 高达40%的大都市地区处于封闭状态,国际环境因俄罗斯在乌克兰的战争和全球保护主义倾向以及国内监管措施而受到抑制。大多数,尤其是在房地产领域,对世界第二大经济体造成了沉重打击。现在,随着 Covid 限制的解除,企业和投资者想知道2023年会发生什么,以及2023年后中国经济将如何发展。在2022年居家结束后消费者迎来所谓报复性消费的背景下,我们能否期待快速复苏?中国政府是否设法恢复了消费者和企业的信心并稳定了资本和房地产市场?这些趋势和发展对外国企业及其中国战略意味着什么?
With best regards,
Your SwissCham Team
With the decision to drop the strict Covid measures announced by China's National Health Commission on 7th December 2022, and travel in and out of the country facilitated again, this year shall also bring to an end a 3-year spell for the Stein am Rhein Symposium (stars) without holding a China symposium. Until then, and in light of the current infection waves on the ground as well as the upcoming 'Two Sessions' in March, we decided to follow-up on last year's successful execution of the "Staying in Dialogue with China" webinar series with a new edition for 2023. This 2nd edition will bring you six webinars with China-based experts concentrated on the H1, between February and June 2023 – before we expect international travel into China to more significantly recover. You can find an overview of the webinars as follows: