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Save the dateSeptember 19, 20242:30 PM - 7:00 PM GMT+8 Add to Calendar
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Residence of the Consul General of Switzerland in Guangzhou 瑞士驻广州总领事官邸

Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

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Contact Person: SwissCham South China
Event Details
Event Details

背景 Background

  • 2024年,瑞士成为欧洲第一个与中国签署自由贸易协定的国家。10年来,中瑞关系发展稳定,政治互信不断加深,务实合作稳步推进,共同利益逐步扩大。双方在各领域、各层次的交流与合作取得了巨大成果。

Switzerland became the first in Europe to sign a free trade agreement with China in 2024. Over the past 10 years, the development of China-Switzerland relations have featured deepening mutual political trust, expanding pragmatic cooperation, and broadening common interests. The two sides have seen progress in exchanges and cooperation in various fields and at different levels, yielding enormous results.

  • 瑞士生命科学领域包括生物技术、制药产业和医疗技术等细分领域,其中瑞士生物技术和制药产业涵盖了整个价值链,并拥有显著且不断增长的生产能力,两大细分领域贡献了瑞士40%以上的出口,使得该产业成为瑞士国民经济的重要支柱。瑞士的生命科学企业愿意进一步与中方加强合作,将最先进的产品带到中国,服务中国人民。

The Swiss life sciences sector comprises the biotech, pharma and medtech segments, of which the biotech and pharmaceutical industries cover the entire value chain and have a significant and growing production capacity. Both segments contribute to more than 40% of Switzerland's exports, making the industry an important pillar of the Swiss national economy. Swiss life sciences companies are willing to further strengthen cooperation with the Chinese partners and bring the most innovative products to China and serve the Chinese people.

  • 广东是中国最具活力的市场之一,人口数量庞大、经济实力雄厚、医疗服务发达,对创新药械的需求十分旺盛。凭借粤港澳大湾区一体化的政策红利,广东将对生命健康领域的进一步发展提供良好机遇。

Guangdong is the most important and attractive market of life sciences industry, with a large population, dynamic economy, and advanced healthcare system, which has a strong demand for innovative medicine and medical devices. With the policy dividend of the integration of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Guandong will provide good opportunities for further development in the field of life sciences industry.

  • 综上所述,有必要为两国政府官员、产业领袖、学术代表建立一个交流互鉴的平台,以便进一步讨论大湾区良好的药械政策以及加快瑞士产品落地广东的机遇和挑战。

In view of above-mentioned, there is an urgent need to establish a platform for government officials, industry leaders, academic representatives from both nations, to share the favorable policies in GBA, and to discuss the opportunities and challenges to accelerate the launch of Swiss-made products in Guangdong Province.

会议目的 Objectives

  • 推动中瑞经济、贸易、卫生合作交流,促进两国生命健康产业的高质量发展

To promote the economy, trade and health cooperation and exchanges, and foster the high quality development of the life sciences industries of the two countries;

  • 深入了解粤港澳大湾区在医药产业的优势,特别是"港澳药械通"等政策的实施情况

To gain an in-depth understanding of the advantages of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA in the life sciences industry, especially the implementation of policies such as the "Hong Kong-Macao Pharmaceutical and Device Access";

  • 介绍瑞士优秀医药企业,扩大瑞士生命科学产业的影响力,进一步服务广东百姓

To introduce the Swiss pharma and medtech companies and expand the influence of the Swiss life sciences industry, to further serve the people in Guandong.

  • 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM

    Registration 活动签到

    Registration 活动签到

    4:00 PM - 4:05 PM

    Introduction to the roundtable 主持人致辞及嘉宾介绍

    Introduction to the roundtable 主持人致辞及嘉宾介绍

    4:05 PM - 4:10 PM

    Address by Consul General of Switzerland in Guangzhou 瑞士驻广州总领事发言

    Address by Consul General of Switzerland in Guangzhou 瑞士驻广州总领事发言

    4:10 PM - 4:30 PM

    Interpretation of Regulations on the Administration of Drugs and medical Devices imported from GBA 《广东省粤港澳大湾区内地九市进口港澳药品医疗器械管理条例》解读

    Interpretation of Regulations on the Administration of Drugs and medical Devices imported from GBA 《广东省粤港澳大湾区内地九市进口港澳药品医疗器械管理条例》解读

    4:30 PM - 4:40 PM

    Speech by GDMPA 广东省卫健委介绍“港澳药械通”政策情况介绍

    Speech by GDMPA 广东省卫健委介绍“港澳药械通”政策情况介绍

    4:40 PM - 4:50 PM

    Speech by GDHC 广东省医保局介绍“港澳药械通”政策

    Speech by GDHC 广东省医保局介绍“港澳药械通”政策

    4:50 PM - 5:10 PM

    Introduction of policies and measures of biomedical industry in Guangzhou 广州市生物医药产业政策措施及有关情况介绍

    Introduction of policies and measures of biomedical industry in Guangzhou 广州市生物医药产业政策措施及有关情况介绍

    5:10 PM - 5:50 PM

    Exchange & Discussion 政策交流讨论

    Exchange & Discussion 政策交流讨论

    5:50 PM - 6:00 PM

    Conclusion by leader from GDMPA 广东省医药价格协会领导总结

    Conclusion by leader from GDMPA 广东省医药价格协会领导总结

    6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

    Reception 简餐招待会

    Reception 简餐招待会

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