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Tsinghua-INSEAD Dual Degree EMBA Programme

Master Class:

演讲题目:Surviving the Platform Economy 在平台经济中求生存

演讲嘉宾: Prof. Ray DI

时间: Dec. 20th, 2019 18:30-21:00

地点: CCI FRANCE CHINE, 2/F, Mayfair Tower, 83 Fu Min Road, Shanghai


语言: English

The session on Surviving the Platform Economy focuses on the biggest challenge most companies face in the digital era, which is how to work with platform giants such as Alibaba and Tencent. We will start the session by introducing a definition of platforms, types of platforms, how digital impacts platforms, and benefits of platforms. We will then strategize policies towards building an ecosystem where small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) coexist with the platform giants. Strategies include but are not limited to building a mini platform based on a deeper understanding of and exposure to a specific niche market, becoming an integral part of the critical links of a platform both on and off line, as well as positioning to be acquired by a platform etc. An analytical tool of Platform Business Model Map will be applied throughout the discussion. Up-to-date real-world cases will be used and discussed.

About the Speaker:

Dr. DI Ruipeng is director of global executive courses at Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management and secretary general of Advisory Committee of Tsinghua University/NDRC Institute for Social Governance and Development. With Ph.D. in financial economics from University of New Orleans and Master/Bachelor degrees in international economics from Peking University, Dr. Di is a popular instructor especially to international students and visitors on topics such as stakeholder management in China, business model innovation as well as corporate finance etc.

18:30-19:00 Registration and Cocktail

19:00-20:00Surviving the Platform Economy

20:00-20:30 Q&A

20:30-21:00 Tsinghua-INSEAD EMBA Programme CONSULTATION


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