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Save the dateFebruary 20, 202015:00 - 16:00 GMT+8
Contact Person: Caitlyn Li
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课程大纲 Course Outline

1. Power Query数据整理与清洗 Power query data sorting and cleaning

l 获取数据 Data acquisition

l 整理数据 Organize data

l 规范数据 Specification data

2. Power Pivot创建数据模型 Power pivot creates data model

l 启用Power Pivot Enable power pivot

l 加载数据到Power Pivot Load data to power pivot

l 创建数据模型 Create data model

3. 双剑合并进行数据整理与建模分析实战 Data sorting and modeling analysis

l 获取数据源与建立模型 Data sorting and modeling analysis

l 使用查询和条件汇总函数 Use query and condition summary functions

l 使用数据透视表多维度分析 Use query and condition summary functions

l 任务业绩和同比环比分析 Task performance and year-on-year analysis

  • Baoheng Zhao

    Baoheng Zhao

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