Event Details

Why is it useful?

As a professional manager, regardless whether you are in a trade business and you need to discuss issues with your marketing or sales channel partners or with a customer outside the company; or you are working in a manufacturing environment and you need to discuss issues with internal staffs in operations, quality control, etc, being able to speak just a little bit of Chinese can help you communicate more confidently, gain more trust and shine in front of your Chinese staffs. It can also help you break-ice more easily with your Chinese customers, or understand what the other negotiation party are saying to his or staffs in Chinese can help you gain an edge in your next negotiation. Accelerated Business Mandarin Course from Jinglelingo can help you get there!

Is it hard to learn Chinese?

Unlike the conventional way of learning Chinese, Jinglelingo's Accelearted Business Mandarin Course can help you learn Chinese in a business situation quickly and easily in 3 months with a focus on listening and speaking, through short video lessons plus ebooks and online tutoring, and live online instructor led blended learning around 3 hours per week.

Learning Objective 学习目标


1. 学员在12周可达到与HSK3级相当的口语水平

2. 能够达到用汉语进行基本的日常交流并从事简单的商务活动的目的,为以后的汉语学习打下良好的基础。学习完课程后,学生有机会用课程来折抵标准商务汉语考试BCT(中文托业考试)的分数,参加BCT考试能够轻松拿到通过BCT的考试证书。

This course follows the latest BCT and HSK Chinese proficiency syllabus and the European language syllabus standards, helping students integrate real business Chinese communication life in their learning, including applications in key scenarios such as daily life and office work. Upon the completion of the course,

1. The students' Chinese proficiency can reach the equivalent spoken level of the HSK3 in 12 weeks

2. The student can do basic daily communication in Chinese and engage in simple business activities, and lay a good foundation for future Chinese learning. Successful completion of this course also may be used to replace part of the scores needed to pass the standard BCT (Chinese TOEIC)Test.

Course Content 课程内容:

Suitable for business professionals, managers, entrepreneurs. The course is based on learning materials carefully selected from the latest development in business Chinese language research and classical textbooks, packed with practical dialog scenarios encountered in life and business situations. The course can help students cultivate language expression skills, gradually improve their Chinese expression skills with listening and speaking skills as the mainstay, and develop pertinence around multiple business dimensions such as classic cases, industry terms, business etiquette, etc. This course revolves around:

12 scenes, 48 topics, scenes include: family gatherings, shopping, office, cinema, police station, restaurants, meeting rooms, travel, hospitals, libraries, holidays, community life.

Listening 听力(Focus)

Able to understand words and sentences in 12 scenarios.

Speaking 口语(Focus)

Able to use simple phrases and sentences, introduce self and others, express feelings, everyday communication, such as shopping, travel, and meet to discuss simple business topics.

Reading 阅读(Light)

Able to read and understand, restaurant menus, posters, familiar names appeared in the airport stop sign, vocabulary and simple sentences.


Able to write short postcards, holiday wishes, and fill in personal information forms (such as hotel, name, address, nationality, simple business notes, etc.)

Phonetics 语音:

声母Initials:21个; 韵母Vowel:36个; 声调Tone:4个; 轻声及儿化Soft :2个

"一","不"及上声变调Tone Change:3个;

Main Grammar Points

1. Usage of Pronouns

2. Usage of Numerals and Quantifiers

3. Usage of Adverbs

4. Usage of Conjunctions

5. Usage of Prepositions

6. Usage of Auxiliary Verb

7. Usage of Particles

8. Usage of Verb Overlap

9. Declarative Sentence

10. Interrogative Sentence

11. Imperative Sentence

12. Exclamatory Sentence

13. Special Sentence

14. State of action, tense

Benefits include 课程特色

1. Accelerated Business Chinese Oral Course

2. Highly Efficient Learning based on Blended learning Method: On Demand Video+E-learning material+Online Tutoring support+Live streaming Instruction(~3 hours/week)

3. Language Content in Real life & business situations

4. A wealth of business topics are revealed in the learning process

5. Small group class size (6-9 people/class)

6. More convenient class software, schedule appointment and take class in one stop

7. Supporting and targeted learning materials PDF (each set/each lesson)

8. Online tutoring support (Mon.-Fri.)

9. Certificate of Course Completion from Jinglelingo

Target Group 参加对象


Students who are interested in business Chinese with no prior Chinese language foundation


Business people with needs to use Chinese language

Detailed Schedule课表

课时Units:Total 12 units (1 unit/week, 4vedio lessons+1 live streaming class/week, 4 learning Materials/week), 45mins/live streaming class

日期Duration:August 26th to November 25th, 2021 2021年8月26日-11月25日

时间Time:Thursday 19:00-19:45,周四 19:00-19:45

学习平台Online Access: Online Cloud Learning platform Access provided by Jinglelingo


1. Dates may be adjusted according to public holidays or urgent schedule changes of the trainer.

1. 日期有可能根据公众假期或讲师的突发日程变更做出相应调整。


  • Liye Sun

    Liye Sun

    孙老师大学专业为汉语言文学(对外汉语研究),文学学士,教育管理学硕士。国际中文持证教师。从事对外汉语教学十余年。授课超过10000小时。曾任国内外多家汉语教学培训机构高级汉语教师,教学主管等职务。曾多次主持汉语教学培训与大学实习生合作项目的管理运营工作。发表并出版文章有:《How to Motivate Your Students to Learn Chinese Characters》,《以LTL汉语学校为例的“学生中心说”研究》等。曾进行汉语培训的项目包括华尔街英语,戴姆勒(梅赛德斯-奔驰),韩国三星电子,利洁时公司,奥地利大使馆商务处,泰国大使馆等。孙老师对各年龄层及各种需求的汉语教学都有深入研究,她的学生包括德企员工及家属、大使馆工作人员、儿童、大学生、青少年等。
    Ms. Angela Sun majored in Chinese Language and Literature (Foreign Chinese Studies), Bachelor of Arts, and Master of Education Management. Certified teacher to teach Chinese as a foreign language. Angela is engaged in teaching Chinese for more than ten years with more than 10,000 hours of teaching. She has served as a senior Chinese teacher and teaching supervisor in many Chinese teaching and training institutions in China and abroad. She has repeatedly presided over the management and operation of Chinese language teaching training and university intern cooperation projects. Angela has conducted Chinese Language training projects, which include Wall Street English, Daimler (Mercedes-Benz), South Korea's Samsung Electronics, Reckitt Benckiser, Austrian Embassy Commercial Office, Thai Embassy, etc. Her students include managers, employees and family members of German enterprises, embassy staff, college students, teenagers and children. Angelao has done in-depth research on Chinese teaching for all ages and various needs. Published articles include: "How to Motivate Your Students to Learn Chinese Characters", "Study on "Student-centered Theory" Taking LTL Chinese School as an Example", etc.

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Standard Price RMB 1,940

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