Management guru Peter Drucker once said that the only thing that we know about the future is that it will be different and the best way to predict it is to create it. What a starting pointโone of self-responsibility; one of not waiting for others to do it.
Fresh Start has hosted since 2012 on a weekly basis social entrepreneurs who share their journey into making this planet a better place to live. Like Rotary as an international organization and Fresh Start as a local club, social entrepreneurs strive to put service over self. What can we learn from all these case studies? Are there any rules to the eco-system that might help us "break" the code?
Join us Friday, January 25 for this members only meeting for a bird's-eye view of the social enterprise ecosystem. Knut Wimbergerwill review our 2018 speakers' series and share ideas about how to increase member engagement in the months to come.
Change is hard. And the longer we've been going one way, the more friends we have with us, the harder it is to be the one who turns around and does it differently. But change is essential for any organization that wants to evolve, stay relevant, and move forward in the right direction โฆ it's about having the curiosity, the courage, and the conviction to look at different paths that might be better. [Barry Rassin, President, Rotary International]
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The ticket includes breakfast and admission.
The ticket includes breakfast and admission.
The ticket includes breakfast and admission.