Dennis MacNamara, S.J., is the Park Professor of Sociology and Korean Studies at Georgetown, and in addition serves as the Special Assistant to the University President for China Affairs. Beyond the university, he chairs the Korea/Japan Seminar at the Foreign Service Institute of the U.S. State Department. He serves as a member of the Council of Foreign Relations in New York. He is active in the International Studies Association, the International Sociological Association, and the Society for the Study of Socio-Economics (SASE). Continuing a regular round of lecturing and research abroad, he serves as an Adjunct Professor in the Graduate School of International Studies at Sogang University (Seoul), as a member of the International Board at Sophia University (Japan), and lectures regularly at Renmin University (Beijing). His appointment in 2008 as Special Assistant for China permits residence in Beijing and elsewhere in Asia for much of the year. He has published six books, multiple academic articles, and continues an extensive research agenda. Current interests include a comparative study of innovation systems in Northeast Asia, and of university-industry collaboration in Southeast Asia.