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Training Objective:

Speaking of Digital Marketing, what do you think of? It's the hardware, it's the software, it's also the people.

We need people who are able to communicate effectively via the emerging digital marketing channel - videos and live-streaming workshops.

What it takes to communicate effectively in the digital era:

be familiar with the hardware and software environment;

appear to be interactive, confident and motivating in video and live-streaming;

understand the production process of online content;

be able to create and co-create small pieces of content frequently;

to increase the customer intimacy via digital marketing events such as live-streaming.

Our 2-day Program on Live-streaming Techniques - "a learning by doing" approach.

Digital Marketing for Industrial Products - Live-streaming Techniques Program helps the participants get clear understanding of the challenges in livesteaming workshops, get familiar with basic hardware and software resources, get used to the livestreaming studio environment, produce the production plan and content design in details. Most importantly, the participants will practice in a real "battlefield" - live-streaming workshop on air, so at the end of the program, they have the confidence and courage to build and enhance customer intimacy via live-streaming.

Course Outline

Before the Program

Participants submit historical videos and live-streaming records, so that the facilitator understands the practical challenges facing the audience

Participants receive and complete "Live-Streaming Skills Self Assessment Survey"

Participants receive and complete "Live-streaming Script Format" and bring to class

During the Program

Day 1 Morning Classroom Lecture

Chapter 1 What comes along with the Digital Era?

Challenges facing Camera-people

Hotspots of audience and customers

What does it take to produce a successful live-streaming event?

Chapter 2 It All Starts with A Good Design

What a good script brings you?

Review and modify the pre-program assignment - Live-streaming Script

Group exercise - cross check and feedback on the scripts

Day 1 Afternoon Exercise and feedback/coaching

Participants will practice in our live-streaming studio according to their scripts in our live-streaming studio. The rest of the audience will join as traffic guests and interact.

After each live-streaming session, there will be formal face-to-face feedback session

Feedback focus

• How is the interaction?

• Are you looking friendly and motivating in front of camera?

• Time control and content deliver effective or not?

Day 2 Morning Classroom Lecture

Chapter 3 Story-telling in front of Camera

The kind of language that we use to tell a story

Stories that build brand image - elements and parts

Individual exercise: tell a story about yourself - to build brand image

Day 2 Afternoon Exercise and feedback/coaching

Participants will practice in our live-streaming studio according to their scripts in our live-streaming studio. The rest of the audience will join as traffic guests and interact.

After each live-streaming session, there will be formal face-to-face feedback session

Feedback focus

• How is the interaction?

• Are you looking friendly and motivating in front of camera?

• Time control and content deliver effective or not?

After the Program

Our Wechat Study Group (includes all participants, technical support and the facilitator) will continue running until end of the year. Each participants will get continuous feedback on their forthcoming live-streaming sessions before year end. Learning materials and information will also be shared in the Group.

Our long-term learning Program has received very positive feedback from the clients and participants.


Ms. Annie Jiang

Professional Experience:

Founder and Course Director——LaBreak 

Certified Senior Facilitator for Creative Collaboration——Artgym

Certified Coach for Personal Transformation Jolt Challenge——Jolt 

Certified Facilitator for Online Leadership Program——DDI

Certified Coach——DDI

Certified trainer for business simulation (all 8 programs)——Celemi

20+ years of experience in training, facilitation and coaching. Over 12,000 hours of delivery experience, among which 1/3 is based on business simulations. 

60% of audience as people managers and mid-high level decision makers

80% of audience from R&D, engineering and other technical background (such as finance or computer science)




  • Member Price

    RMB 7,800

    (excl. 6% VAT) p.p
    The training fee is including: venue fee, 2 days' lunch, 4 coffee breaks and training materials.

    Buy Ticket
  • Non-member Price

    RMB 8,500

    (excl. 6% VAT) p.p
    The training fee is including: venue fee, 2 days' lunch, 4 coffee breaks and training materials.

    Buy Ticket

Contact Person

Ms. Xueting Wang 王雪婷

Business Development Manager

Tel.:+86 21 6248 8029 - 706


German Mechanical Engineering Service (BJ) Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch (GMECS)

GMECS is an organization under the umbrella of VDMA
