This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other GMECS China events.

Target Group

Top executives, HR managers or Officers (VDMA Members only)

The roundtable series is aiming for Top Executives, HR managers or officersfrom VDMA members in China to inform them about current lead topics that effect their HR Operation.

In cooperation with selected industrial and business experts the target is to provide VDMA Members who are having concerns and need strategic guidance for their operations in China. During the event you will have this unique opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas with your peers from HR perspective, and learn from the experts and from each other.

Event Outline

Presentation 1

Topic1: Innovative Practice of Technology Empowering HR Management in Manufacturing Industry


Introduction and outline:

  • Challenges and Opportunities in HR Management in the Manufacturing Industry


  • Case Studies of AI Innovation Empowering HR Scenarios


  • Future Prospects of Industrial HR Practices Driven by Technology


Presentation 2

Topic2: Manufacturing Diversified Flexible Employment Solutions


Introduction and outline:

  • Manufacturing companies current employment situations and challenges in workforce planning


  • FESCO Adecco integrated solutions


  • Diversified best practices for manufacturing companies


Presentation 3

Topic3: Back to basics – How to improve organizational maturity & competitiveness in times of automation & decoupling

主题三:回归本源 —— 如何在自动化和脱钩时期提高组织成熟度和竞争力

Introduction and outline:

  • People-Oriented, Embrace Change: In this era interwoven with AI, automation, and geopolitical tensions, we need to focus and care more about the value of "people" than ever before. The cultivation of talents and organizational development are at the heart of our industry's significant growth and a creed we firmly uphold.

以人为本, 拥抱变化:在这个AI、自动化和地缘政治紧张环境交织的时代,我们需要比以往的时代更注重和关切"人"的价值。人才和组织的建设是行业长足发展的核心,是我们坚守的信念。

  • Personalized Intervention Methods: Facing the complexities brought by AI and automation, human resources play a critical role in addressing challenges posed by the technological revolution. We have long shifted from the traditional collective training model to a sophisticated development approach tailored to individuals within the organization, aiming to provide more precise talent refinement and selection.

个性化的干预方式:面对AI和自动化所带来的复杂局面,人力资源在应对技术革新时代带来的人类挑战中起到决定性的作用, 我们早已从传统的集训模式转向针对组织中的个体量身设计的高级发展模式,致力于提供更精准的人才磨炼和筛选。

  • Concerning Organizational Health, Enhancing Competitiveness: We propose a return to the fundamentals. By integrating transformative psychology, innovative guidance technology, and new leadership philosophies, we strive to boost the competitiveness, independence, and maturity of the organization.


  • Human Intelligence, Irreplaceable: As AI and automation become prevalent, the value of human intelligence and maturity becomes increasingly evident. These are the qualities that our irreplaceable, high-quality talents possess: keen judgment, abundant empathy, and the ability to understand complex situations.



  • Harvest Han (Deputy Project Director of FESCO Adecco Human Resources Service Shanghai Co., Ltd.)

    Harvest Han

    Deputy Project Director of FESCO Adecco Human Resources Service Shanghai Co., Ltd.

    More Information

  • Xiaoli He (Managing Director of CONTUR Business Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd)

    Xiaoli He

    Managing Director of CONTUR Business Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd

    More Information

  • Phil Hou (VP at FESCO Adecco Human Resources Service Shanghai Co., Ltd.)

    Phil Hou

    VP at FESCO Adecco Human Resources Service Shanghai Co., Ltd.

    More Information



Contact Person

Ms. Xueting Wang 王雪婷

Business Development Manager

Tel.:+86 21 6248 8029 - 706


German Mechanical Engineering Service (BJ) Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch (GMECS)

Ms. Xin Li 李昕

Business Support

Tel.: +86 19901949752


German Mechanical Engineering Service(BJ) Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch (GMECS)