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What is sound healing?The origins and benefits of sound healing were referred to in The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canonof Medicine (Huangdi Neijing), one of the earliest texts of Chinese medicine, which described how when the five major organs of the body are in tune with the fiven tones of heaven, it will bring harmony and freedom from disease. What is the Himalayan singing bowl?The Himalayan singing bowl consists of gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, lead and mercury. The vibrational sounds produced from the bowls can help to relax the body while balancing and harmonizing the chakras. As the molecules in the body resonate with the vibrational frequency of the singing bowls, the singing bowls can help to "tune" orre-balance the body, stimulating the body's healthy flow of energy, releasing blocked energy in the chakras, alleviating areas of pain and discomfort, and bringing peace and harmony to body and mind.

Join us for this special event and allow you to experience combination of breathing technuques, qigong warm up and grounding techniques together with the healing sound of Tibetan Singing Bowls.

Class will be led by Kristyna. She is a registered Yoga Alliance teacher, qigong instructor and sound therapist. "Learning about sounds from different teachers has been adding to my Yogi knowledge and broadens my direction for my teaching and practicing. Seeing how beneficial the combination of yoga, qigong and sound healing is, has totally amazed me and I am glad to share my learning with you."

The Himalayan Singing Bowl Sound Healing Workshop will begin with gentle yoga postures to help you stretch your body and get comfortable. Kristina will then present a LIVE performance using the singing bowls, accompanied by a guided meditation which you can follow lying down or seated. As you listen to the healing sounds of the singing bowls, the vibratory resonance will help to cleanse the body's meridians and energy centers, supporting you to release stress and enjoy a felt-sense of deep relaxation throughout all layers of the body. For many of us living in a fast-paced, urban environment, conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, and depression are increasingly common. Sound healing is a widely recognized, natural form of therapy that has shown to be profoundly rejuvenating and healing for the body and mind!

颂钵疗愈(SingingBowl Healing)属于声音治疗的一种。颂钵音疗利用颂钵这一声音疗愈工具利用颂钵产生的频率与振动,在个体完全放松状态下对脑波进行积极的影响。这是一种当今全世界流行的自然顺势疗法。 这种温和而深入的声音疗愈方式迅速帮助人的脑波进入放松当意识进入宁静、安定、喜悦、身心合一状态可以迅速地让人放松、舒压、疗愈在大理洱海用心连接声音…



在颂钵疗愈工作坊中, 我们会先透过轻柔的瑜伽体位练习去舒展全身。在身体进入舒适的状态之后,我们或静坐或仰卧去聆听 Kristina 老师的 LIVE 颂钵演奏和音钵冥想引导,让颂钵声音的能量渗透全身的细胞,洁净身体能量中心和经络层次,进入压力释放、婴儿般零压力的深度放松以及深度睡眠疗愈。对于生活在快节奏都市中的我们,常常伴随焦虑、失眠、压抑等各种亚健康状态,而声音疗愈作为自然疗法的一种,已深受肯定,充满神秘色彩的恢复活力、疗愈身心之法,自然要体验!

本次 90 分钟「颂钵疗愈工作坊」将在世纪商贸广场20楼


Props required: Bring your yoga mat blanket 【

适合对象】本工作坊适合所有人【Who Should Attend】This workshop is suitable for people of all levels and backgrounds
