政府关系或者政府事务(Governmental Relations/Affairs)是指企业针对政府及其相关部门和机构所展开的公共关系活动,政府关系在跨国企业的公共关系战略中占据重要位置。如何解析政府关系中的核心内容,如何根据企业特征(规模、行业、企业在华所处生命周期阶段)制定对应的政府关系策略,如何将政府针对企业的惠企政策、服务、保障和支持积极渗透进入到企业运营当中,使得政府和跨国企业的关系形成互惠互利的"战略合作伙伴关系"?本课程讲围绕以上问题的解答展开。
Governmental Relations/Affairs refers to the public relations activities carried out by enterprises for the government. Governmental relations occupy an important position in the public relations strategies of multinational companies. Alexandra Xu, with 14 years of experience in cooperation between government and enterprise relations and cross-cultural communication, will use theory and practical examples to teach you how to identify pain points and analyze core content. You will also learn how to form corresponding strategies most suitable for your enterprise; according to scale, industry and life cycle stage of the China entity. This workshop will be held in Chinese.
1. 政府关系对于跨国企业的意义
2. 了解政府相关监管部门的角色和职能(含组织架构)
3. 影响企业政府关系战略的因素
4. 按照企业所处周期分析不同阶段的政府关系重点要务(以制造企业为例)
5. 跨国企业在华政府关系的策略与建议
*Member early bird price available before April 19, 2022, 3 pm.
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In case you need to cancel your attendance to the event, please write an email to: at least 7 workdays prior to the event. Failure to cancel your RSVP timely will require the payment of a "no show bill" of the full amount stated in this invitation. You can contact Nini Qi by telephone: 021 5368 1237. For third-party events, the event terms and conditions of the event organizer apply.
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Please notice that Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce Shanghai (as the host of the event) will take photographs from the event and might post these on its public webpage and or social media platforms in order to create awareness of its events. By attending this event you consent to the Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce Shanghai taking and using photographs of you as described above. Please contact [] if you have any inquiries related to this matter.