Event Information

In our latest flash survey 74 % of the participants indicated that Covid19 related travel restrictions remain by far the biggest challenge for the business operations in China. We want to discuss this topic with you, to understand the impact on your business and exchange experience and updates. 

Please join our Hybrid GM Roundtable Format on March 30 at 15:00-16:00. 


You can choose either to join us in Chamber office, or join online via Zoom. 

What is GCC Roundtable

GCC Roundtable is one of the most representative events of German Chamber of Commerce, which is to encourage the mutual communication between colleagues of the same working groups from different enterprises and the sharing of their own opinions and experiences. 

Event Host

  • MK

    Martin Klose

    Executive Director of German Chamber of Commerce South & Southwest at German Chamber of Commerce South & Southwest


AR_2020_SSW_Final_compressed (2).pdfdownload


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