H.E. Jürg Burri Ambassador of Switzerland to the PRC, Mongolia and the DPRK
H.E. Jürg Burri Ambassador of Switzerland to the PRC, Mongolia and the DPRK Jürg Burri was born in 1965 in Thun, Switzerland. After graduating from the University of Berne with a licentiate in Contemporary History and Political Sciences, he briefly worked as journalist before joining the Swiss Foreign Service in 1996. He completed his diplomatic training with positions in the United Nations Section at the headquarters in Berne and with the Swiss Mission to the United Nations in New York. From 1998 to 2002, he was posted in the United Nations Section in Berne, working on preparations for Switzerland’s accession to the United Nations. Subsequently, he was appointed as Science, Education and Space Counselor to the Mission of Switzerland to the European Union in Brussels, Belgium, until 2006. From the same year until 2009, he served as the Minister/Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Switzerland in Beijing. Upon his return to Berne in 2009, he was appointed Deputy Director of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation with the Federal Department of Home Affairs. From 2013 to 2014, he was the Head of the Research and Innovation Directorate for the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation in the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research. From 2014 to 2018, he was the Director General of the Consular Directorate of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs in Berne. In 2018, he was appointed as Ambassador of Switzerland in Poland with residence in Warsaw, where he served until 2022. Since September 2022, Jürg Burri is the Ambassador of Switzerland to the People’s Republic of China, Mongolia and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, with residence in Beijing.
Stephan Stalder President at SwissCham South China
Stephan Stalder President at SwissCham South China Stephan Stalder, President of Swisscham South China and Managing director of IKA Works Guangzhou Born and raised in the Emmenthal Switzerland, known for its legendary cheese, Stephan graduated in 2000 from the school of applied since in the bilingual city of Biel/Bienne. The same year he joint WIFAG, a manufacturer of high performing news printing presses, to erect and commission those gigantic machines worldwide. Those up to a year long assignments brought him to many locations around the world, including Dallas USA, Paris France, Jyväskylä Finland, Buenos Aires Argentina, Dortmund in Germany, as well as for the first time to Guangzhou China, working at the Guangzhou Daily printing premise in 2006. In 2008 Stephan relocated to China, when he joined GF machining solutions to set up a new milling machine manufacturing plant in Changzhou, Jiangsu. Relocating to Beijing in 2012 for GF machining solutions EDM manufacturing plant division until 2015. Stephan moved to South China when joining IKA Works Guangzhou, a since the foundation in 1910 family owned manufacture of high-end laboratory, analytical and processing equipment, used for research at many in universities, government institutes and across other industries. Customers in China range from Sinovac, BASF, Lonza, Roche, Novartis, Peking University, Zhong Shan university, CATL, Wuxi APP, Heyday, to name only a few. Since 2018 Stephan joint as board director of the Swisscham South China and in 2021 he got elected as the president of the South China chapter.
Peter Helis Chief Advisor at Guangdong Development District
Peter Helis Chief Advisor at Guangdong Development District Mr. Helis has been employed by Investment Promotion Bureau of Guangzhou Development District as the Chief Advisor since April 2019 as a special employee. The main task is to introduce and promote Huangpu, Guangzhou, and the Greater Bay Area to investors under the opportunities and challenges of globalization. Let companies and investment institutions from all over the world, especially fortune 500 companies and biomedical companies, pay attention to the voice from Huangpu. During his tenure, Mr. Helis has represented Huangpu District for many times to promote investment, and attended important meetings domestically and abroad to promote Huangpu and the enterprises in Huangpu District. Successfully introduced enterprises to settle and invest in the district and actively participated in various embassies and consulates and chamber of Commerce activities. At the same time, based on his working experience and observations, he published several reports on the investment environment in Guangzhou and Huangpu district in cooperation with Deloitte and the American Chamber of Commerce.
Prof. Guangnan Zhang Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Director of Institute of Guangdong Hong Kong and Macao Development Studies, Sun Yat-sen University
Prof. Guangnan Zhang Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Director of Institute of Guangdong Hong Kong and Macao Development Studies, Sun Yat-sen University Visiting Scholar, Columbia University, New York, United State (2012-2013) The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology: Adjunct Professor, (2017- Present) Visiting Researcher, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan (2007-2008) The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO): Consultant (2011-Present) Specialist for China (Guangdong) Pilot Free Trade Zone Hengqin New Area of Zhuhai (2015-Present) Guest comment expert for CCTV, Xinhua News Agency, Nan fang Daily, Wen Wei Po (HK), Macao Daily(Macao) (2014-Present) Research Project: - National Natural Science Foundation of China, - Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project, Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province, - Consultation of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Policy Advisory, - Consultation of the Macao Special Administrative Region Policy Advisory, etc Cadre Training and lectures for: - The People’s Government of Guangdong Province, Hong Kong and Macao institutions, - Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, - the Communist Youth League, - Guangdong Maritime Safety Administration, - Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Dongguan and Meizhou People's Governments Honors and Awards: - Received letter of commendation from The General Office of the Central Committee, The People’s Government of Guangdong Province, Hong Kong and Macao institutions, Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Communist Youth League, Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Dongguan governments - Outstanding performance in final performance appraisal of National Natural Science Foundation - Contractual Expert for Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee of China: "Tell Good Chinese Stories", 2016 - The Organization Department of Guangdong Province: Youth Elite of Guangdong Special Supported Plan, 2015 - Excellent Achievements Award in Philosophy and Social Science of Guangdong Province - Training object of Guangdong Province Higher Education "Thousand-Hundred-Ten Project" - The Excellent Youth Teacher Training Program of Sun Yat-sen University - The Youth University Teachers Award of Fok Ying-Tong Education Foundation - The first prize of Ryoichi Sasakawa Outstanding Youth Education Fund Best Paper Award - Writings awarded as One of the top ten books from China Social Sciences Press Academic Articles: Injury Prevention(SSCI/SCI),Accident Analysis & Prevention (SSCI), Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour (SSCI), European Journal of Law and Economics (SSCI), Journal of Safety Research(SSCI), Publications on Economic Research, Management World, QJE, Statistical Research, World Economy, Xinhua Abstract, National People's Congress Photocopying Newspaper Materials, Journal of Macao Science and Technology, The Shanghai Mercury, Nanfang Daily, etc.
Wendy Chow Head of Information and Communications Technology at Invest Hong Kong
Wendy Chow Head of Information and Communications Technology at Invest Hong Kong Wendy Chow is the Head of Information and Communications Technology at Invest Hong Kong, the government department that aims to attract and retain foreign direct investment which is of strategic importance to the economic development of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Wendy received her B.A. and M.B.A degrees from The University of Hong Kong. She also completed an M.A. programme at University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Prior to joining Invest Hong Kong, she worked in the international market development division of a telecommunications company.
Fusu Deng Director of Bingnan Tire Recycling (DG)
Fusu Deng Director of Bingnan Tire Recycling (DG) 全日制大学本科学历 浙江大学高级总裁班结业 多家大型外资企业高管经历 中国鞋业ERP、MES开拓者 中国非金属防刺穿材料发明人 T-GAE战略新型材料制备系统主要发明人 已拥有国家发明专利4项、实用新型专利40余项
Vanessa He Manager of Climate & Sustainability at Deloitte China
Vanessa He Manager of Climate & Sustainability at Deloitte China Ms. He is the Manager of Climate & Sustainability Services in Guangzhou Office. She has master degree in Environmental Design and Engineering from University College London. She has more than 7 years of work experience in ESG Advisory. Prior to joining Deloitte, she provided various types of ESG/CSR/sustainability services in the sustainability team of another sustainability consulting firm. Her service companies include Central enterprises, listed companies, private enterprises, multinational companies and other types; project types include ESG report preparation, ESG indicator system construction and management improvement, ESG strategy consulting, etc. She is familiar with ESG, global social responsibility/sustainable development standard guidelines and capital market-related indices, and also well equipped with technical skills and wide experience in environmental consulting and building sustainability design.
Peter Helis (Moderator) Chief Advisor at Guangdong Development District
Peter Helis (Moderator) Chief Advisor at Guangdong Development District Mr. Helis has been employed by Investment Promotion Bureau of Guangzhou Development District as the Chief Advisor since April 2019 as a special employee. The main task is to introduce and promote Huangpu, Guangzhou, and the Greater Bay Area to investors under the opportunities and challenges of globalization. Let companies and investment institutions from all over the world, especially fortune 500 companies and biomedical companies, pay attention to the voice from Huangpu. During his tenure, Mr. Helis has represented Huangpu District for many times to promote investment, and attended important meetings domestically and abroad to promote Huangpu and the enterprises in Huangpu District. Successfully introduced enterprises to settle and invest in the district and actively participated in various embassies and consulates and chamber of Commerce activities. At the same time, based on his working experience and observations, he published several reports on the investment environment in Guangzhou and Huangpu district in cooperation with Deloitte and the American Chamber of Commerce.
Dr. Du Du Tong CTO at Leman Biotech
Dr. Du Du Tong CTO at Leman Biotech 仝督读博士本科毕业于中国科技大学,博士毕业于南洋理工大学,在美国芝加哥大学等有多年博后经历,在计算化学和蛋白设计领域有一定积累。现任莱芒生物AI药物研发总监,从事AI新药研发平台搭建和代谢增强因子的优化设计工作。
Frauke Steiner Partner at E&Y China
Frauke Steiner Partner at E&Y China 福珂女士是安永在中国的审计合伙人,安永GBN(德国商业网络)在中国北京的代表,在欧洲西部,特别是德国和瑞士拥有非常强大的网络。2006年在德国加入安永;2016年起在北京办公室工作。 福珂女士在为不同规模的(多国)客户提供审计和咨询服务方面有丰富的经验;专注于先进制造和移动行业 ,她在中国的并购交易中具有会计和税务处理方面的经验。在安永提供中国服务的几家德国和瑞士总部的公司中担任主要客户联系人和协调合伙人。福珂女士也是北京瑞士商会的董事会成员和秘书长,OAV德国亚太商业协会的青年领袖。
Eddie Leung Chairman at Dailywin Watch Group
Eddie Leung Chairman at Dailywin Watch Group Mr. Eddie Leung is the Managing Director of Dailywin Watch Group which is a global watch manufacturing company founded in 1979. Mr. Leung has over 50 years experience in the watch manufacturing and has great contribution to the premium watch industry in Hong Kong and China as well as prominent collaboration with Switzerland. Mr. Leung was the 11th & 12th National Committee Member of CPPCC.
Qingkang Li Owner and GM at Trigiants Technology Co., Ltd.
Qingkang Li Owner and GM at Trigiants Technology Co., Ltd. 本科毕业于西南大学,中欧国际EMBA管理硕士。有多年海外工作和国际贸易经验,熟悉电子、通信相关产品和服务后台的运作。 深圳市三劲科技有限公司成立于2012年,是专业的老人用通信产品、老人远程监护的产品和服务提供商。主要产品包括:老人用手机、GPS定位追踪器、老人用穿戴产品和其它的智能终端。 公司产品目前主要销售欧洲市场,以西欧、北欧为主。在德国市场,其司产品连续保持了多年的“老人手机单款销量冠军”(GFK统计数据)。主要客户是世界顶级的老人通信产品和老人关爱公司。
Stephanie Dong Wei (Moderator) Investment Officer at Swiss Business Hub China
Stephanie Dong Wei (Moderator) Investment Officer at Swiss Business Hub China 魏东(Stéphanie WEI Dong)女士是瑞士驻广州总领事馆贸易与投资处投资官员。魏东女士曾在布鲁塞尔欧洲议会担任议员助理、比利时贸易投资总署工作。在协助中资企业出海、政府事务、欧洲业务拓展和咨询方面有丰富经验。她可以为企业提供有价值的战略和出海服务,促进中瑞商业和技术创新合作,推动和协助中国企业在瑞士投资。
Zhonghui Zhang General Manager at LEM
Zhonghui Zhang General Manager at LEM Zhonghui's journey in this dynamic sector began after receiving my bachelor's degree of Electric & Automation and later enhancing my global business perspective through a MBA's degree. He embarked on his professional path as an Electrical Engineer at Beijing Shougang Co., LTD. This experience propelled me to a Sales Manager role at Schneider Electric, where he honed my business development skills, bridged the gap between technology and business, and demonstrated an ability to drive significant sales growth. His tenure as the CEO of Jones Tech PLC further solidified his leadership abilities, where he successfully managed teams, devised strategic plans, and fostered corporate growth. As the General Manager at LEM Electronics (China) Co. Ltd., Zhonghui is responsible for charting the company's path towards increased market share and product innovation and high quality products manufacture. He is constantly leveraging his strong technical background, robust sales experience, and leadership abilities to drive the company's vision. Outside of his professional life, he maintains a balance by engaging in several personal interests. He is an avid reader, an activity that broadens his horizons and fuels his continuous learning. Swimming and golf are his go-to sports, both activities fostering discipline, focus, and promoting his well-being.
Gianluca Giorgi Owner at Esarobotic
Gianluca Giorgi Owner at Esarobotic Mr. Gianluca Giorgi CEO of ES Automation Consulting Ltd, MIT Blockchain Technologies: Business Innovation and Application Certified Vice Chair at European Chamber of Commerce South China Chapter. Member of the International Blockchain Council. Director of the Italian Innovative and Technologies Working Group in China, affiliated with the Italian Chamber of Commerce (2019-2022) Strategic Mentor in Robotics and Automation Projects with over 30 years of experience in the Automation field. His expertise lies in Industry 4.0 projects and Data Acquisition Systems with AI Analysis. As an Industrial System Integrator, he is specialized in Industrial Blockchain projects aimed at achieving product and process traceability. His passion is developing and implementing innovative solutions that significantly enhance operational efficiency and productivity. Additionally, he leads a network of high-tech experts in Europe and China, providing support for Sino-European Automation Projects.
Mirko Egli Head of SCM at EF Electrical / Eugster-Frismag
Mirko Egli Head of SCM at EF Electrical / Eugster-Frismag Mirko Egli is responsible for the Supply Chain Management in EF Electrical (Shenzhen), a daughter Company of Eugster / Frismag AG in Switzerland. Eugster/Frismag AG is a Family-owned company and was founded by Arthur Eugster in the middle of 1970th in Switzerland. Today the EF-Group has 3 factories in Switzerland, one in Portugal and one in China. We produce household appliances for our customers – mainly development and manufacturing of different kind of coffee machines for well-known brands. In Shenzhen we produce and develop household coffee machines as well main components which are distributed to our other factories. The working path started with an apprenticeship as mechanic followed by a degree in Computer science where the field of network technology was the major playground. 2006 he joined Eugster / Frismag AG in Switzerland in the Purchasing Department and prepared the way for Process Management and supported the ERP-integration of EF Electrical (Shenzhen) in the Eugster / Frismag Group. Since 2012 he lives in EF Shenzhen and s responsible for the Supply Chian. Major achievements in the intralogistics are the implementation of AGV, shuttle Rack systems and Pallet Lift System to increase the efficiency of the operations and improvements in space utilization. Digital Transformation is also keystone in the future development of EF and implementations of MES, WMS, Reporting Systems are key projects in this journey. Smart Manufacturing is than using the collected data within the operations targeting to improve the business.
Christian Gassner (Moderator) GM, Chair manufacturing WG at Limoss DG, EU Cham
Christian Gassner (Moderator) GM, Chair manufacturing WG at Limoss DG, EU Cham An esteemed figure in manufacturing, is a catalyst for excellence. With decades of experience, he specializes in lean production and is dedicated to advancing its theory and implementation. As the Chair of the Manufacturing Forum, Chris leads discussions, provides insightful suggestions, and fosters collaboration. His inclusive approach ensures comprehensive perspectives and extends the boundaries of industry discussions. Moreover, his active involvement as a board member in the European Chamber of Commerce South China Chapter further amplifies his influence and enables him to drive positive change in the region. He epitomizes excellence, advocating for lean production and driving transformative change in the industry.
Patrick Oerner MD at Foundation Combat Climate Change
Patrick Oerner MD at Foundation Combat Climate Change Patrick Oerer is a dynamic and result-oriented professional with an outstanding background in international banking and finance. With almost 20 years of proven track record in the financial industry, and working in various financial hubs such as Zurich, London, Istanbul, and Dubai, Patrick is equipped with an unparalleled knowledge of the global financial markets. Patrick is founding partner and Chief Executive Officer of CEG Invest, a leading investment firm for alternative investments and corporate finance solutions based in Dubai and Zurich. Prior Patrick was the CEO of Emirates Wealth, a fund distribution company based in Dubai, and before that he was the Managing Director at Noor Capital, an Abu Dhabi based investment firm. Prior to his move to the UAE, Patrick was Managing Director Europe of the Boston based Merchant Bank BMFN in Istanbul. Patrick started his financial career at UBS Investment Banking and changed later to its Private Banking divisions, followed by a senior positions at the Zurich’s based private Bank Vontobel and later at a senior management position at Bank Von Roll, a private boutique bank in Zurich. Patrick holds a BSc degree in Finance and International Management from the University of Zurich.
Hua Shi Chef South China at WWF
Hua Shi Chef South China at WWF 2017年至今在一个地球自然基金会(OPF)工作,任职华南区域项目主任、中国企业公益合作负责人。 一个地球自然基金会(OPF)与世界自然基金会(WWF)在中国是深度战略合作伙伴。OPF是注册在深圳的非公募基金会,其宗旨是通过保护生物多样性、降低生态足迹、确保自然资源的可持续利用,从而创造人类与自然和谐相处的美好未来。 师先生本人曾在ICT产业工作超过15年,曾任职:展讯通讯(半导体)公司中国营销总监、深圳市和而泰股份公司移动医疗事业部总经理、深圳桑菲消费通信有限公司董事总经理助理等,对消费类电子产业有着丰富的经验和深刻的认识和理解。
Dr. Zhihai Luo Technical Director of EBP China Ltd.
Dr. Zhihai Luo Technical Director of EBP China Ltd. 罗志海博士曾为企业设计生物多样性保护和恢复项目,以减少极端地质和气候条件下的运营过程的影响。他参与了德国和中国环境领域的多项技术标准和企业合规指南的制定。自2009年以来,他一直致力于产品环境影响评估和优化措施的分析。他曾协助国内企业改善ESG环境指标,并最终进入DJSI,在可持续发展的商业过程中的生态和环境风险方面有丰富的经验。 Dr. Luo Zhihai, Technical Director, EBP Consulting China has designed biodiversity conservation and restoration projects for companies to reduce the impact of operational processes under extreme geological and climatic conditions. He has been involved in the development of several technical standards and corporate compliance guidelines in the environmental field in Germany and China. Since 2009, he has been working on product environmental impact assessment and analysis of optimization measures. He has assisted domestic companies to improve their ESG environmental indicators and eventually enter DJSI, and has extensive experience in ecological and environmental risks associated with sustainable business processes.
Steven Witte Founder & CEO of Xange (NL)
Steven Witte Founder & CEO of Xange (NL) Xange.com is facilitating traceability, transparency and trust in the carbon credit market, from sourcing, issuance, trading and accounting. Mr. Witte founded Kadaza.com, a web company operational in 48 counties, in 2008. Kadaza is the world's favorite internet guide. Prior to founding Kadaza , Mr. Witte was a tax lawyer at KPMG Meijburg & Co. Mr. Witte studied Tax Law at Tilburg University, The Netherlands. Mr. Witte is working in collaboration with the UN Development System.
Rao Fu (Moderator) Managing Director of EBP China Ltd.
Rao Fu (Moderator) Managing Director of EBP China Ltd. Ms. Rao Fu is the general manager of EBP China office, a Swiss engineering and consulting firm committed to sustainability. She is an experienced sustainability consultant moving in the nexus of industry and public sectors in Switzerland and China. Over the past 11 years, she has assisted various international and Chinese organizations to draft and implement their sustainability and net-zero strategy. She was also involved in multi-national and bilateral cooperation projects in the field of water and environment including ADB, Swiss Development Agency and World Bank. She holds a Master’s degree of environmental engineering from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.
David Avery Head of Cleantech at SGE Switzerland
David Avery Head of Cleantech at SGE Switzerland David Avery is responsible for developing sustainability and leads the group within Switzerland Global Enterprise that focuses on promoting Swiss cleantech abroad. David has extensive expertise and proven leadership in both technical and business fields gained working in private industry. Previously, David worked at Cleantech Fribourg where he was responsible for developing cleantech within SME’s, for promoting innovation in cleantech though private-public partnerships and for analysis of opportunities for companies to implement cleantech. He managed programs to promote and support certification and encourage energy efficiency, has worked closely with academia, associations and local government and has set up and run further education courses related to building efficiency. David began his working career in the UK as a research scientist, has worked in Switzerland since 1993, he has held positions in Purchasing, Quality Management, Technical Support and Research. He holds a degree in Chemistry from the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom.
Adrian Bruehlmann GSI Assistant Manager of Facilities and Maintenance at EF Electrical / Eugster-Frismag
Adrian Bruehlmann GSI Assistant Manager of Facilities and Maintenance at EF Electrical / Eugster-Frismag Adrian Bruehlmann is responsible for facilities and maintenance in EF Electrical (Shenzhen), a daughter Company of Eugster / Frismag AG in Switzerland. Eugster/Frismag AG is a Family-owned company and was founded by Arthur Eugster in the middle of 1970th in Switzerland. Today the EF-Group has 3 factories in Switzerland, one in Portugal and one in China. We produce household appliances for our customers – mainly development and manufacturing of different kind of coffee machines for well-known brands. In Shenzhen we produce and develop household coffee machines as well main components which are distributed to our other factories. After a commercial apprenticeship in a Swiss machine factory in the field of fine blanking and special bearings, he worked in the supply of curtain systems to the construction industries. In 1994 he studied Chinese Language at Jinan University, College for Chinese Language and Culture in Guangzhou. Then he started afterwards his job at Eugster / Frismag AG in Switzerland in the Portugal Purchasing Department for overseas parts. 1999 he worked as the first Expat for Eugster / Frismag AG in Shenzhen and directly involved in the growth of our manufacturing business in China. During the planning and set up of our new plant in Pingshan, he involved in the construction team during the building phase. He is currently responsible for the facilities and their maintenance. Good environmental systems and their maintenance are the key for clean manufacturing. Future planning on how to reduce emissions to zero to achieve the climate strategy of the Eugster Group. This is a new main focus in todays manufacturing to keep up in the global competition.
Eva Chen VP & GM of Turbo Separator Asia at Turbo-Filtration Sci. & Tech. (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.
Eva Chen VP & GM of Turbo Separator Asia at Turbo-Filtration Sci. & Tech. (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. 陈侠 Eva Chen VP(Vice President) & GM(General Manager) 副总裁兼总经理 Turbo Separator Asia Turbo-Filtration Sci. & Tech. (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.
Tiziano Pedrioli Acting Consul General at Consulate General of Switzerland in Guangzhou
Tiziano Pedrioli Acting Consul General at Consulate General of Switzerland in Guangzhou Acting Consul General, Consulate General of Switzerland in Guangzhou 瑞士驻广州总领事馆 代总领事
Tim Deng Vice President & Head of General Industries of Robotics China at ABB China
Tim Deng Vice President & Head of General Industries of Robotics China at ABB China - Strategy planning & executions for robotics China and general industries - Lead & build a high performing team to succeed (P&L) in mixed industries from metals & plastics to new energy, Edu, etc - Drive continuous growths/profits both in existing markets and new
Martin Mueller (Moderator) Director of SKC Group Ltd.
Martin Mueller (Moderator) Director of SKC Group Ltd. Martin Mueller, Honorary Chairman of the Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SwissCham), Founder and Director of SKC Group China and TriConsult Switzerland. Martin's hometown is St. Gallen in eastern Switzerland. Here he obtained several degrees such as Mechanical Engineer, an MBA, a Swiss degree in Marketing and Sales, and more. In 1989 he worked at the University of St. Gallen (HSG) on the development of management practices for virtual companies. From 1990 he was head of international sales at the leading Swiss company Huber+Suhner AG. For more than 16 years, he managed and expanded the business in 46 countries. During that time, his personal key customers included Fortune 100 companies such as Airbus, Lockheed Martin, Siemens, Huawei, Samsung, etc. As an expert in cross-cultural business development, Martin acquired expertise in many international markets and industries, such as mobile communications, defense, aviation, motorsport, renewable energy, and others. In 2008, he founded his own construction consulting firm in Beijing, which specializes in sustainable building and international infrastructure projects. For the past nine years, he has held various board positions at the Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce in mainland China.