Event Details
Womanhood is a complex journey, not a single story. It is shaped by experiences, identities, and the relationships we build along the way. On the occasion of this year's International Women's Day, let's celebrate it by talking about "Her Stories: Multidimensionality of Womanhood", an exploration of the diverse yet interconnected realities of women across different backgrounds, generations, and cultures. Through personal storytelling, interactive discussions, and a shared reflection activity, this event will go beyond passive listening but to create a unforgettable genuine connection, learning, and empowerment.
每个女性的成长都是一段精彩纷呈的旅程,而不是一个单一的故事。这段旅程由我们的经历、身份以及一路上建立的关系所塑造。时值今年国际妇女节之际,通过 "她说:多维度下的女性力量" 这个主题一同来庆祝这个节日,探索不同背景、不同年代和不同文化的女性所面临的多种多样但又相互关联的现实问题。活动上将会有主题分享、个人故事以及互动讨论等有趣的环节而不是被动聆听,创造一个建立真正的相互联系、共同学习和成长的欢乐时光。
Why Attend?
- Experience real, unfiltered stories from women of different backgrounds
- 聆听来自不同背景女性真实、未加修饰的故事
- Engage in a discussion that is interactive and deeply personal
- 参与一场亲密、互动性强的讨论
- Participate in a shared storytelling experience that fosters genuine connection
- 共同促成一场真诚交流的分享体验
- Leave with a tangible reflection piece (your letter) to inspire your future self
- 带着收获和对未来自己的激励离开