Event Details

The Berlin Business Desk China sincerely invites you to the "Berlin in China" event series #3 on November 18, 2022, at 4:00pm. After our first two stations in Shanghai and Beijing, we are now happy to host our third Berlin in China event in Chengdu. The topic will be "Design City Berlin ". The event is co-hosted by Ms. Choco ZHANG and Mr. Alexander Glaser from prespace ARCHITEKTEN, both Berlin in China Ambassadors for the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle. Mrs. Ingrid Delfs, Deputy Consul General from the German Consulate General in Chengdu will give a welcome address, Mr. Ake Rudolf, Head of Strategy at IDZ โ€“ International Design Center Berlin, will deliver a keynote speech, and Choco Zhang will present the story of prespace in Berlin and China. Furthermore, in a panel discussion, representatives from the design community in Berlin and Chengdu will introduce the architecture and design business landscape in Berlin and discuss the opportunities and challenges of cooperation between Germany and China in the creative industry.


  • Ingrid Delfs (Deputy Consul General at the German Consulate General  in Chengdu)

    Ingrid Delfs

    Deputy Consul General at the German Consulate General in Chengdu

  • Yiran Li (Chief Representative at Berlin Business Desk China)

    Yiran Li

    Chief Representative at Berlin Business Desk China

  • Ake Rudolf (Head of Strategy at IDZ | Internationales Designzentrum Berlin e.V.)

    Ake Rudolf

    Head of Strategy at IDZ | Internationales Designzentrum Berlin e.V.

  • Choco Zhang (Co-Founder of prespace ARCHITEKTEN)

    Choco Zhang

    Co-Founder of prespace ARCHITEKTEN

  • Christopher Bauder (Founder & CEO of DARK MATTER Berlin + WHITEvoid Design Studio)

    Christopher Bauder

    Founder & CEO of DARK MATTER Berlin + WHITEvoid Design Studio

  • Alexander Glaser (Co-Founder of prespace ARCHITEKTEN)

    Alexander Glaser

    Co-Founder of prespace ARCHITEKTEN

  • Guanhua Mu (Director, Production and Operation Office, and Deputy Chief Engineer of Chengdu Institute of  Planning & Design)

    Guanhua Mu

    Director, Production and Operation Office, and Deputy Chief Engineer of Chengdu Institute of Planning & Design

  • Markus M Schneider (Artist & Curator at Metroprojects)

    Markus M Schneider

    Artist & Curator at Metroprojects

  • Prof. Ulrich Schwarz (Exhibition Designer, Author, Professor of Design Basics at Berlin University of the Arts, Founder and CEO at Bertron Schwarz Frey Berlin)

    Prof. Ulrich Schwarz

    Exhibition Designer, Author, Professor of Design Basics at Berlin University of the Arts, Founder and CEO at Bertron Schwarz Frey Berlin

  • Muzhi Wang (Founder & CEO of Building & Story Media Platform)

    Muzhi Wang

    Founder & CEO of Building & Story Media Platform


16:00 - 16:30
16:30 - 16:35
Welcome address from the German Consulate General in Chengdu
16:35 - 17:00
Berlin Ambassador China Designation Ceremony
17:00 - 17:10
Keynote: Design landscape in Berlin
17:10 - 17:25
Story about Prespace in Berlin and China
17:25 - 18:15
Panel Discussion: Opportunities and challenges of cooperation between China and Germany in the creative industry
Moderator: Alexander Glaser
18:15 - 19:30
Networkingโ€ฏwith Food and Drinks