The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word 'crisis: 'One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger - but recognize the opportunity. - John F. Kennedy


Amongst the immense challenges posed by the current global pandemic, we want to shed light on some rays of hope. While economies come to a screeching halt, a crisis can be a time for re-imagination and developing ideas.


Join us in a live discussion with business leaders from ChinaSilicon Valley and Germany on how they are looking towards creativity to create new opportunities.


  • How are companies still in the midst of COVID -19 restrictions reacting to a new normal?
  • 仍处于COVID-19挣扎中的公司如何应对新的环境?

  • How can business leaders encourage creativity and develop new services while dealing with a serious economic crisis?
  • 企业领袖如何在应对严重危机的同时鼓励创新和发展新业务?

Event Information 活动信息

Due to the time difference among China, US and Germany, there will be 2 slot Webinars with different speakers. 

由于中、美、德三地时差,我们在2个时段安排了2场相同主题的在线研讨会。届时, 将由不同公司的代表作为嘉宾出席分享。 

Webinar 1

Event Date 活动日期: 28th of April (Tuesday 周二)

Event Time 活动时间: 09:00AM - 10:00AM

Online Webinar 线上活动: Zoom

Kindly Note 温馨提示:

  • Limited seats, first come first served; 名额有限,先到先得
  • Please register before 27th of April 12:00pm; Registration upfront is mandatory; 请于4月27日中午12点前报名
  • You´ll receive the login link (zoom) and access information by E-mail for the webinar on the day prior to the event. 报名成功后您将收到一封确认邮件, 邮件包含zoom云会议室链接。

Webinar 2

Event Date 活动日期: 29th of April (Wednesday 周三)

Event Time 活动时间: 0:00AM - 01:00 AM (Midnight 凌晨)

Online Webinar 线上活动: TBC

Kindly Note 温馨提示:

  • Limited seats, first come first served; 名额有限,先到先得
  • Please register before 27th of April 12:00pm; Registration upfront is mandatory; 请于4月27日中午12点前报名
  • You´ll receive the login link and access information for the webinar on the day prior to the event. 报名成功后您将收到一封确认邮件, 邮件包含云会议室链接。

Tickets 票务信息

  • Webinar1 ( 28th of April, 09:00AM - 10:00AM)


    Free Webinar and limited seats, first come first served

    Reserve Ticket
  • Webinar2 (29th of April, 0:00 AM - 01:00AM)


    Free Webinar and limited seats, first come first served

    Reserve Ticket

Agenda 活动议程

Webinar 1

09:00AM - 09:05AM

Opening Remark by Chamber


09:05AM - 09:20AM

Speaker Introduction and First Impressions


09:20AM - 09:50AM

Interactive Roundtable Questions


09:50AM - 10:00AM



Webinar 2

00:00AM - 00:05AM

Opening Remark by Chamber


00:05AM - 00:20AM

Speaker Introduction and First Impressions


00:20AM - 00:50AM

Interactive Roundtable Questions


00:50AM - 01:00AM



The interactive session will be followed by a live Q&A where you an ask your questions to our panelists and moderators.


Moderators and Speakers 主持人与嘉宾

Moderators 主持人

Speakers 嘉宾

  • Zheng Casey (BD Director of BGI Group 华大基因)

    Zheng Casey

    BD Director of BGI Group 华大基因

    More Information

  • Jeff Chien (SVP, China Partnerships at Plug and Play Tech Center)

    Jeff Chien

    SVP, China Partnerships at Plug and Play Tech Center

    More Information

  • Jun Ge (Global CEO of TOJOY Shared Holding Group)

    Jun Ge

    Global CEO of TOJOY Shared Holding Group

    More Information

  • Roland Geisler (Product Manager at Adobe)

    Roland Geisler

    Product Manager at Adobe

    More Information

  • Markus Kuhlo (Director of Marketing and Strategy at Tencent Cloud Europe 腾讯云)

    Markus Kuhlo

    Director of Marketing and Strategy at Tencent Cloud Europe 腾讯云

    More Information

  • Kati Schmidt (Director of Growth and Campus Operations at Course Hero)

    Kati Schmidt

    Director of Growth and Campus Operations at Course Hero

    More Information

  • Lang Sebastian (Global SAP IT Showroom Director of SAP Software Solutions)

    Lang Sebastian

    Global SAP IT Showroom Director of SAP Software Solutions

    More Information

  • Meike Smerecnik (Head of Product Management Omni Channel Services Business Development at Thalia Bücher GmbH  Standort: Münster)

    Meike Smerecnik

    Head of Product Management Omni Channel Services Business Development at Thalia Bücher GmbH  Standort: Münster

    More Information

Organizer 主办方


© 2020 German Chamber of Commerce in China (GCC). No part of this webinar may be reproduced without prior permission. While every reasonable effort is made to ensure that the information provided is accurate, no guarantees for the currency or accuracy of information are made. All material relating to information, products and services (or to third party information, products and services), is provided 'as is', without any representation or endorsement made and without warranty of any kind, including the implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy. The speakers are solely responsible for the content thereof; In no event will the organizer and/or the speakers be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from infringement or any defect of rights of the content of the webinar. Views expressed are not necessarily those of GCC. All our events follow Chatham House Rules. We are working with [Zoom] to bring this webinar to you. When joining the webinar, you will be bound by Zoom's terms of service, including it's privacy policy which you can download from the [Zoom] website or access through the mobile application. Please note that we have no responsibility for the collection or use of your personal data by [Zoom] or any third party application.