Event Details

The best way to enhance your inclusive leadership is by empowering and coaching others.

Level One covers the essential foundational skills of coaching, including the models and structures that make up a robust process for high performance culture. The skills of navigating through the VUCA(volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) can be used in formal or informal coaching as well as in everyday life; both personal and professional.

Course Details

Certification: Certified Organisational Coach, Level 1 (Coaching Theory to Practice 1)

This Coaching Certification program represents the first of three stages in the IECL's ICF Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP). This is the region's most highly respected organisational coaching qualification and conforms to the rigorous standards set by the International Coach Federation(ICF).

Successful completion of all Level 1 Coaching requirements leads to organisational coaching certification at that level. Once you are certified at Level 1 you can start coaching right away, and can obtain Professional Indemnity insurance as a coach (recommended if you work for yourself). You may also choose to continue on to Coaching Accreditation via Levels 2 and 3.

After the successful completion of the Level One, you'll accumulate 45 logged coaching training hours.

When you have finished your whole ACTP Training Program(L1-L3), you'll totally accumulate 144 logged coaching training hours(apply for PCC).


Price:RMB 24,000

RMB 19,800(paid by 3 Sept, 2022)

RMB 21,800(paid by 3 Oct, 2022)

Ongoing Alumni Benefits

After graduating from Level One, all alumni join the online community of practice which gives you ongoing access to IECL faculty as well as other subject matter experts in the worldwide community. You can use the community to access a wide variety of alumni-only resources (such as coaching example videos, readings, sample contracts, Code of Ethics, sample coaching proposals, etc.) as well as asking questions of the community via specific, private messaging, or a public blog.

Part Of IECL's Customers

Contact Us


Caroline Zhou : 138 1781 4673​

Keira Feng : 189 6479 0115​

Joyce Wang : 151 0213 1865​


Renee Gu:138 0123 3182​


Vivian Zhang :133 1688 8567​


Jennifer Jia:139 0230 5800


Hongqiao State Guest Hotel Shanghai

1591, Hongqiao Road, Changning District
上海市, China

If you have any questions please contact Larisa Li

Contact Organizer

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