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How German Machine Manufacturers in China May Use AI to Secure Their Lead, and Legal Risks to Consider

In a fraction of the time, generative artificial intelligence (AI) models can perform a wide range of tasks like text analysis, image analysis, data analysis, or classification of human-like quality, which is useful in industry manufacturing processes. China, alongside the US, is the AI global leader, with around 40% of the world's published generative AI models.

Strict regulatory restrictions in China have led to the rapid development of a diverse range of domestic generative AI models. Some of these models, published as open-source, outperform US models for the Chinese language, allowing any company to download, run on their own servers, and commercially use them.

Generative AI is, above all, a catalyst for innovation for SMEs, as it is now possible for any company to safely integrate the most powerful AI models into its own processes and products. The first step primarily focuses on cost savings, as generative AI models can support or even replace manual and recurring digital processes.

Presentation 1 (Lukas) EN+CN

Topic 1: Generative AI as a Game-changer for Foreign Invested SMEs in China: Outlining the Opportunities and Overview of Use Cases.

主题 1:生成式人工智能将改变中国中小企业的游戏规则: 概述机遇和使用案例

With Generative AI, we are at the beginning of a technological revolution comparable to the epochal transition from the typewriter to the computer. The challenge for foreign-invested companies is that they cannot use the same Generative AI models in the Chinese market as they would use outside China. Therefore, each subsidiary in China must deal with the topic of Generative AI to understand the cost-saving potentials and what other products and services are already being used by their Chinese competitors. If the rapid development and implementation of these advanced AI technologies are ignored, foreign-invested companies run the risk of being left behind by their Chinese competitors in terms of technology and costs.

对于生成式人工智能,我们正处于一场技术革命的开端,堪比从打字机到计算机的划时代转变。国外公司面临的挑战是,他们无法在中国市场使用与在中国境外相同的生成式人工智能模型。 因此,在中国的每家子公司都必须单独处理生成式人工智能这一主题,以便了解有哪些节约成本的潜力及中国竞争对手已经在使用哪些其他产品和服务。如果忽视这些先进人工智能技术的快速发展和应用,国际公司就有可能在技术和成本方面被中国竞争对手甩在后面。

Overview of the Speech

Mr. Lukas Tatge will:

  • Introduce the field of Generative AI in China


  • Give an overview of industrial use cases of Generative AI models as well as concrete insights into industrial Generative AI projects of LongAI

      概述生成式人工智能模型的工业应用案例,以及 LongAI 的工业生成式人工智能项目 的具体见解

  • Provide suggestions and ideas on how to get started with Generative AI as a foreign-invested SME in China



Topic 2: Legal Framework for Generative AI in China and Legal Challenges in its Application Faced by Foreign-Invested SMEs



Due to the competitive pressure not only on the Chinese market, SMEs are forced to implement AI solutions in their businesses in China to reduce costs, increase operational efficiency, improve competitiveness, and secure their lead in the market.

As the current AI regulatory framework includes requirements not only for Generative AI developers and providers but also for companies that use Generative AI tools in their operations, companies planning to implement Generative AI tools in their operations need to be aware of current AI legislation and the respective legal challenges and risks, including administrative sanctions, contractual penalties, compensatory damages, and criminal liability.



Overview of the Speech

Mr. Ondrej Zapletal will:

  • Introduce policies, recent regulatory developments, and the current legal framework for Generative AI in China


  • Point out the legal challenges and risks arising from the use of Generative AI in foreign-invested companies' operations in China


  • Share ideas on how to reduce the respective risks




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