Event Details

The PMM Series focuses on issues specifically relating to Pregnancy, Marriage and Motherhood. Initiated in March 2016, the group has hosted dinners and events to connect our community, discuss relevant issues and identify the needs of the community. Topics cover both personal and professional lives of the Beijing PMM community.

Emotional Wellbeing:

Our mental and physical health impact our life, our relationships, and careers, for many, this journey begins with a focus on emotional wellbeing.

Please, join us as our expert panel will lead us through their own journeys, mindsets, and techniques on managing stress and other emotions.

Brittany Dunn - As a Co-Founder and High-Intensity Movement Facilitator of The Mind Body Project, Brittany will discuss her personal wellness experiences as well as lead the team through a light Yoga Exercise

Carolyn Egan - Natural remedies play an important role in Carolyn's life, she will give an introduction to numerous methods including Reiki, Meditation, Restorative Yoga, the use of Essential Oils, Diet and will give the group a Chakra dance practice.

Enoch Li - Bearapy founder, author, and mother, Enoch will talk about her personal experiences with wellbeing, how to manage stress, and how Bearapy fits into her busy life.

Dr. Debbie Ma - As a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dr. Debbie Ma will discuss "Why TCM doctors care about your emotions?"
"How stress relates to health?" and "How to deal with stress in a healthy way?"

All tickets include 1 free drink.


19:00 - 19:20
Registration Check-in
19:20 - 20:10
Interactive Discussion with Q&A
20:10 - 20:30
Light Interactive Yoga Session
20:30 - 21:00


  • Brittany Dunn

    Brittany Dunn

    Co-Founder and High-Intensity Movement Facilitator of The Mind Body Project

    Brittany's background working amongst diverse populations and industries
    has helped her engage all of her interests and challenged me to grow
    and be comfortable in uncomfortable situations. She loves standing up in
    front of thousands of people and energizing crowds, sharing
    knowledge, and empowering others to get in touch with their creative
    and authentic selves. She strives to treat everyone I work with-- from
    toddler to adult with equal respect and support. She has enjoyed program
    and curriculum development, presenting and facilitating, and looking
    at impactful leadership development through mentorship. Fostering a
    positive, calm and supportive environment amongst the teams I work
    with is a priority.

    She is a co-founder of The Mind Body Project, a passionate endeavor
    turned company, that's truly transformed the way she lives, loves, teachs and
    views herself and those around her. They're creating mindful fitness
    communities for REAL people who want to thrive. They believe in using
    a growth-mindset with science-backed mindfulness approaches and
    physical activity to help ourselves and those around us find
    sustainable healthy habits and keep stress from negatively impacting

    "The positive energy that healthy people radiate is felt by all of those
    around them."

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  • Carolyn Egan

    Carolyn Egan

    Carolyn Egan is from the US and have been living in China for three years as an English teacher. Besides being an English teacher, She has always had a deep passion for healing and natural medicine. The reasons behind this passion was due to having to deal with over ten years of chronic health issues such as asthma, endometriosis and fibromyalgia. Upon getting diagnosed with fibromyalgia four years ago, she found an urgency to heal herself naturally and to reset her lifestyle.

    This urgency was a blessing in disguise as she found many natural coping mechanisms and treatments that were effective such as reiki, yoga therapy, ayruveda, chinese herbal medicine, breathing techniques, meditation, oil massage, diet, acupuncture and chakradance. These treatments not only helped her to recover from her chronic conditions but also helped in destressing her life.

    For the panel discussion, Carolyn will go into detail about some of these practicing and mainly focusing on the dance therapy practice known as Chakradance.

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  • Enoch Li

    Enoch Li

    Based in Beijing, Enoch founded Bearapy (www.bearapy.me) to consult on corporate culture and organizational behaviour, focusing on executive wellbeing, leadership development, team dynamics, and employee engagement. She has worked with MNCs (such as Shell, Marriott, Bank of New York, SAP,) government, and start-ups across Asia-Pacific and Europe, advising executives and entrepreneurs on internal change management. Enoch’s unique approach blends the power of playfulness – creativity, innovation, stress management, and self-awareness – into her consulting and facilitation work, discerning the unconscious and emotional factors that affect decision-making and organization culture.

    As a mother and busy professional, Enoch will cover her personal perspective on wellbeing and stress management. She will also introduce Bearapy, how it works, and it's impact on her life.

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  • Dr. Debbie Ma

    Dr. Debbie Ma

    Dr. Debbie Ma, licensed Traditional Chinese Medicine physician in China and California. Graduated from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, had her master degree in California, then came back to Beijing for her PhD degree, studied under Prof. Li Feng, focused on "Stress and fatigue related memory loss”.

    Dr. Ma worked on Norwegian Cruise Line as an acupuncturist for 2 years, sailed across the Baltic, Mediterranean, North Sea, the Atlantic sea and Caribbean. Treated patients from all around the world, even the royals from Qatar and Kuwait. Dr. Ma specialize in neuropathy, sports injury, insomnia, digestion problems, OBGYN.....and a lot more. Now she works in 2 clinics, Jensin TCM Clinic near Dongzhimen and Danxitang near Bagou (west from Zhonguancun).

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PMM Series- Emotional Wellbeing
Standard Price RMB 60