
Attention shoppers, SW super center is proud to introduce a new line of products to all.

For limited time only at our everyday low prices, we present you with a set of useful tools to help you remove stubborn stains, unpleasant

residues, and harmful particles in your business idea or plan.

Please stop by isle number 7 where the “Innovative Retail” section is. While deals last! All shoppers are welcome to take a look at these

tools and select those ones you need at your own ease.

Let’s go shopping!

About Startup Weekend
Startup Weekends are 54-hour events designed to provide superior experiential education for technical and non-technical entrepreneurs. Beginning with Friday night pitches and continuing through brainstorming, business plan development, and basic prototype creation, Startup Weekends culminate in Sunday night demos and presentations.  

Participants create working startups during the event and are able to collaborate with like-minded individuals outside of their daily networks. All teams hear talks by industry leaders and receive valuable feedback from local entrepreneurials. 

The weekend is centered around action, innovation, and education.  Whether you are looking for feedback on an idea, a co-founder, specific skill sets, or a team to help you execute, Startup Weekends are the perfect environment in which to test your idea and take the first steps towards launching your own startup.  
Video | 什么“创业周末:

The hardest part of starting up is starting out.

Connect with people driven to build something new. Rich and diverse talent is a Startup Weekend staple.
Are you ready to meet your next (cofounder) (friend) (mentor) (investor)?

Discover where you are on the Entrepreneur's Journey.
Find the resources available near you.
Leave knowing the next steps you need to take on your road to success.

Learn what it really takes to start a company.
No book, panel, speaker, or blog post will teach you what you need to know.
The only way to learn is the experience of trying.

It’s that simple. Startup Weekend is designed to get you going, FAST.
Your local Organizers will set up the ideal environment for you to be successful and learn as much as possible in just 54 hours.



Ticket price includes food for the entire weekend (3 dinners, 2 lunches and 2 light breakfasts) as well as water. Make sure to attend the entire event as your team will need you until the end!
Sunday Spectator ticket only provides attendance to the Sunday night final presentations. 

No refunds will be granted within 7 days of the event if food and drink have already been ordered. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

With this ticket, come from Friday 7pm until Sunday 9pm (but you go back home for the nights!) and attend the full Startup Weekend!

Standard Price RMB 299
Sunday Observers

Come on Sunday at 4:30pm to watch the final pitches!

Standard Price RMB 100
Early Bird

Enjoy the early bird price before mid-night 5/1

Student Ticket

Further study after class? Come Let us help you!

Standard Price RMB 250

Judge 评审


● 华东政法大学法律硕士毕业
● 上海冠龙阀门机械有限公司董事长
● 上海市台湾同胞投资企业协会会长
● 全国台湾同胞投资企业联谊会常务副会长
● 2006年当选上海市十大青年经济人物,
● 2014年获颁台北大学杰出校友
● 2016年获选台北经营管理学院杰出大陆台商传承接班奬
● 上海冠龙阀门公司为高新科技企业,也是中国驰名商标
YC 章宇辰

● 爱合伙项目创始人
● SLP创业领导力课程上海负责人
● 上海创业周末评委
● 荷兰飞利浦研究院创新项目负责人
● 荷兰埃因霍温大学软件工程博士
● Resourceful connections in the network of SMEs and startups in and around the Shanghai area. Running a business (aihehuo.com) that connects over 100k SME owners and entrepreneurs across China. The mission of that community is to help members find business cofounders and key partners.
● Country director of Startup Leadership Program(SLP) , a global entrepreneur training program that runs in 30 cities across US, EU, and Asia Pacific.
● Frequently invited as a speaker to international tours visiting the Shanghai Startup scene, including guests from the Netherlands, Belgium and Israel.
● Interviewed by international and domestic medias, including De Standaard (Belgium), Laodong Bao (China), PencilNews(铅笔道), lieyun.com(猎云网), TechNode.cn(动点科技).
● Doctorate in Software Engineering, High Performance Computing. Worked at Philips Research for 5 years (the Netherlands) on First-of-A-Kind products — internal startups.
Ray Chou 周书纬
● SMC世銘投資 副总裁
● 私募股权投资、风险投资、快消品行业8年多工作经验。
● 曾任职瑞士私募股权投资美元基金Capvent AG,担任高级投资经理。
● 曾任职美中跨境企业并购和战略投资顾问公司Morgen Evan & Co.工作,担任研究和客户经理。
● 创办亚太MBA网络平台新创企业。创业之前,周先生任职于上海,主导多个新创消费品、F&B项目。
● 周先生拥有雷鸟国际管理学院MBA学位,BGS荣誉

Mentor 导师

● 广禾堂草本生物科技(上海)有限公司创始人,现任董事长
● 广州中医药大学中医博士
● 中国高级营养保健师
● 妈妈网与腾讯育儿千万妈妈信赖的产后护理专家
● 上海市台湾同胞投资企业协会副会长
● 上海市台协会母婴工委会会长
Benny 高增榮
● TAYOHYA多樣屋 副總經理
● 管理多样屋全国开发实体店铺运营,
● 全国加盟商运营促进,全国新加盟商拓展
● 电商平台(天猫/京东/考拉/飞牛网等)团队组建/业绩达成
● 全渠道系统建制,整合渠道资源,落地执行对接 系统开发,需求端整合
● 跨平台合作(线上品牌/线下品牌),
● 市场营销企划(年度计划参与),
● 店铺设计(设计师协调,风格主抓),
● 商品开发(调研/开发/上市)

● 上海根莱食品有限公司总经理
● 根莱茶饮咖啡事业体运营负责人
● 根莱营养补助食品事业部负责人
● 毕业于拉萨尔室内设计学院
● 曾任市内美学设计师
● 连锁餐饮规划培训及管理规划及总开店数达500家目前服务超过万家优质餐饮食品品牌
● 具有丰富食品代工与顾问规划经验健康减肥规划经验
● ​擅长:食品生产、食品安全管理、餐饮连锁规划、健康食品搭配及正确饮食指导
Wesley Liu 劉蔚志

● 研华智能零售行业开发经理
● IBM全球商业服务事业群管理顾问
● 研华工业物联网事业群工程师
● 美国约翰霍普金斯大学商学院MBA
Cooper 鄭雨霖

● 捷安特(昆山)有限公司上海分公司经理 & 全球GRP主管
● 捷安特中国电商创始人
● 美国南加州大学IPPAM硕士
● Sales Manager, GIANT ShangHai Sales Company & Global GRP
● Founded GIANT China e-commerce & O2O team
● Master of IPPAM , USC
Michael 張俊平
● 虹桥丽宝广场 招商经理
● 上海远运投资管理有限公司 市务经理
● 上海美罗城商业管理有限公司 市场推广副理
● 台青企业管理谘询 执行长
● 格林兰鞋材化工 总经理
● 御凯贸易有限公司 总经理
● 台湾稳达成机电工程 董事
● 缅甸天使龙地产 董事
● 全国台企联  副会长
● 东莞市青年联合会 常务委员
● 东莞市台商青年会 辅导会长
● 曾任 帝王鞋业有限公司 采购经理、薇佩斯品牌女鞋 总监
● 曾任 智群检测有限公司 总经理、吉而好文创 执行董事
● 曾任 全国台企联青年会 执行长、中华杰出青年交流促进会 顾问
● 曾任 东莞市台商青年会 副会长、东莞市台商青年会 会长
● 曾任 全国台企联青年会 副执行长

Organizer 组织者

Rickey Lin - Lead Organizer,商业模式/市场解析专家,行销企划/IT专长
Juby Lin - Lead Organizer,BMC Master,企划/营销专长
Lola Zhou - 行政外交專長
Kenny Huang - 传播管理硕士/整合行销专长
王永兴 - 策划/美编专长
Jessica Hsiao - 命理专家/Power AVS 咨询师
Jane Fang - 人力资源/行政管理专长
Cat Huang - 医美/保养专长
Peter Chang - 產品研發專業經理
Ange Lin - 建筑硕士/建筑设计专长
Amy Tsai - 材料工程硕士/企业管理专长
Erica Ning - 市场行销专长
James Wang - 外交法务相关专长