This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Kehilat Shanghai events.

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Dear KS members and friends,

As we push into the second half of our first decade, our young community is growing up, and we continue to be very thankful for the broad-based support and participation that has enabled continued broadening and improvement of our offerings. As a lay-led community run by and for its members, WE control our destiny. Furthermore, while our personal Jewish histories may be different, we share a common vision of ensuring that Jews from all backgrounds feel at home in Shanghai today and for generations to come.

Part of growing up is reaching for more—our accomplishments to date help us stretch for bigger milestones. Reaching these milestones is OUR responsibility, and the imperative for getting involved has never been greater! If you are not a member, there is no time like the present to join (please go to If you are a member and would like to be more active in the community, this is your opportunity. The time is now!

Our Annual General Meeting will take place this year on Wednesday, March 22, at 7 pm (venue Fei CanTing). At this meeting, members will vote on a number of issues including the 2017-2018 Board. In the weeks leading up to the meeting, we are opening up all seats to any member who would like to be on the Board and lead our community into its 6th year.

Our Board is comprised of volunteers who meet regularly to review, approve, oversee and/or implement a broad range of initiatives meant to improve our Jewish life in Shanghai.

Sharing in our vision, Consulate General of Israel to Shanghai, Ambassador Amikam Levy, will honor us by opening up this year’s AGM with a few words about being Jewish in Shanghai and the importance of our community.

If you wish to become involved in shaping Jewish life in Shanghai, either as a Board member or by volunteering for a specific activity (such as organizing events, leading religious or secular programs for children or adults, contribute to strategy and organization, or liaising with overseas supporters, among many other things), please submit your name and how you wish to contribute by replying to this email by March 14.

We look forward to having you join us, and to seeing you on March 22nd!

Kehilat Shanghai Board