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Beijing Women's Network 1/11 Biweekly Dinner
Event Details The Beijing Women's Network holds Spotlight Dinners twice a month in order to bring our membership together to get to know each other and share professional and personal experiences working and living in Beijing. Each dinner we spotlight one of our members, who then leads a discussion centered around their own experiences or a topic of choice.
ไธญ8ๆฅผ ไธ้ๅฑฏ ่ทฏ19ๅทๅคชๅค้ๅๅบ8ๅทๆฅผS8-40 ๅไบฌ , ChinaShow on map
ไธญ8ๆฅผ Please call Jessie at 18515475841 for directions. Reservation is under the last name Wang for 20 people.
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Speakers Angela Bainter Associate Account Manager at Milward Brown Read Bio
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