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Save the date
Save the dateJuly 19, 202408:30 - 16:30 GMT+8 Add to Calendar
Venue Location
Venue Location

Australia House

No.80 Pingwu Road, Changning District
Shanghai, China

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Contact Person: Cherry Huang
Event Details
Event Details

In collaboration with AustCham Shanghai and BritCham Shanghai, SwissCham Shanghai is delighted to extend our invitation to you for an exclusive cross-chamber company visit in Songjiang District on Friday, July 19.

Songjiang District is a significant industrial hub in Shanghai, housing numerous cutting-edge enterprises and manufacturing firms. The day will commence with a visit to Butler(a member of AustCham Shanghai), a distinguished business group under BlueScope specializing in metal coating and painting products for the building and construction sectors. Subsequently, we will delve into the operations of BOBST (a member of SwissCham Shanghai), a global leader in substrate processing, printing, and converting equipment and services.

Moreover, we are honored to host distinguished speakers for the day: Kerry Yu, the VP HSEQ at BlueScope China; Gaspard Lemoine-Scelles, the BD Director APAC at TERAO (Shanghai) Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd and Member of SwissCham IDS Committee; and Linky Lai, the China Corporate Affairs Director at Johnson Matthey. They will share invaluable insights on various ESG topics, offering a wealth of knowledge and expertise.

This immersive event promises not only networking opportunities but also a thorough exploration of industry best practices. We are looking forward to welcoming you to this full day visit in Songjiang.




此外,我们还荣幸地邀请到了以下演讲嘉宾: 博思格中国区 HSEQ 副总裁 Kerry Yu德澔(上海)工程咨询有限公司亚太区业务总监兼中国瑞士商会(上海)创新、数字化和可持续发展委员会成员乐高飞,以及庄信万丰中国区企业事务总监 Linky Lai。他们将就各种环境、社会和公司治理话题分享宝贵见解,提供丰富的知识和专业见解。


Program Rundown
Program Rundown
  • 8:30AM Attendees arrives at Australia House
  • 8:30AM - 9:30AM Travel to Butler Shanghai (BlueScope Group)
  • 9:30AM - 9:35AM Opening Remarks
  • 9:35AM - 9:40AM Safety Introduction
  • 9:40AM - 9:45AM Welcome Remark by President of BlueScope China
  • 9:45AM - 10:30AM Site Visit – Showroom and Factory
  • 10:30AM - 10:55AM Keynote Speech - Workplace Safety and Health & Practice
  • 10:55AM - 11:15AM Presentation on Songjiang Business Environment
  • 11:15AM - 11:35AM Q&A Session
  • 11:35AM - 12PM Group Photo, Depart and Travel
  • 12PM - 1:30PM Lunch and Networking
  • 1:30PM - 1:45PM Arrival at BOBST Factory
  • 1:45PM - 2PM Welcome Remarks
  • 2PM - 2:45PM Site Visit at BOBST
  • 2:45PM - 3:05PM Keynote Speech - ESG measures implementation at industrial site level - Approach and Case study
  • 3:05PM - 3:25PM Keynote Speech - The journey to net-zero
  • 3:25PM - 3:45PM Q&A Session
  • 3:45PM - 3:50PM Group Photo and Depart
  • 3:50PM - 4:40PM Travel Back to Australia House
  • 8:30AM 抵达澳大利亚商会办公室
  • 8:30AM - 9:30AM 前往巴特勒(上海)有限公司
  • 9:30AM - 9:35AM 商会代表致欢迎辞
  • 9:35AM - 9:40AM 安全须知介绍
  • 9:40AM - 9:45AM 博思格中国区总裁致辞
  • 9:45AM - 10:30AM 企业参观
  • 10:30AM - 10:55AM 专题演讲 - 工作场所安全与健康及实践
  • 10:55AM - 11:15AM 松江营商环境介绍
  • 11:15AM - 11:35AM 问答环节
  • 11:35AM - 12PM 集体照
  • 12PM - 1:30PM 商务午餐
  • 1:30PM - 1:45PM 抵达博斯特
  • 1:45PM - 2PM 各方代表致欢迎辞
  • 2PM - 2:45PM 企业参观
  • 2:45PM - 3:05PM 专题演讲 - 在工业现场实施 ESG 措施 - 方法和案例研究
  • 3:05PM - 3:25PM 专题演讲 - 零净排放之旅
  • 3:25PM - 3:45PM 问答环节
  • 3:45PM - 3:50PM 集体照
  • 3:50PM - 4:40PM 返程
  • Kerry Yu (VP HSEQ BlueScope at BlueScope China)

    Kerry Yu

    VP HSEQ BlueScope at BlueScope China

  • Gaspard Lemoine-Scelles (BD Director APAC at TERAO (Shanghai) Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd, Member of SwissCham IDS Committee)

    Gaspard Lemoine-Scelles

    BD Director APAC at TERAO (Shanghai) Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd, Member of SwissCham IDS Committee

  • Linky Lai (China Corporate Affairs Director of of Johnson Matthey)

    Linky Lai

    China Corporate Affairs Director of of Johnson Matthey


Member Price


Non-Member Price

RMB 280

Please note that 请注意:

  1. fapiao will only be issued after the event 发票将在活动结束后开具
  2. Since there are limited seats available in the delegation, SwissCham Shanghai will reserve the right to prioritize the participations from our member companies. The final confirmation will be communicated by email to all applicants. 因本次活动席位有限,中国瑞士商会将优先筛选来自会员企业的报名,请以最终邮件确认为准。
Essential Information
Essential Information

Transportation & Meal 交通&餐饮安排:

Round-trip transportation and lunch from downtown Shanghai to Songjiang factory are provided by Songjiang Investment Promotion Service Center.



Please note that for the factory tour, long-sleeved shirts, closed-toe flat shoes and pants are erquired. Hair must be tied up for females.


Organizer & Partners
Organizer & Partners
Refund Policy & Disclaimer
Refund Policy & Disclaimer

退改政策 Cancellation of RSVP

如果您要取消出席活动,请在活动开始前48小时写邮件给。如未能及时取消,我们视同默认付款. 若非瑞士商会主办的活动,取消规则请参照活动主办发布的条款。

In case you need to cancel your attendance to the event, please write an email to: at least 48 hours prior to the event. Failure to cancel your RSVP timely will require the payment of a "no show bill" of the full amount stated in this invitation. For third-party events, the event terms and conditions of the event organizer apply.

免责声明 Disclaimer


Please notice that Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce Shanghai (as the host of the event) will take photographs from the event and might post these on its public webpage and or social media platforms in order to create awareness of its events. By attending this event you consent to the Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce Shanghai taking and using photographs of you as described above. Please contact [] if you have any inquiries related to this matter.