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Training Objective 课程目标:

This program aims to increase communication effectiveness of experts with particular knowledge/technology background when they deliver suggestions, ideas and proposals in business environment.

At the end of the course, the participants would:

· take on new perspective, value and focus based on the needs of audience;

· Understand the purpose (why) of running work review meeting, regular team meeting , cross-functional meeting and client meeting;

· put more emphasis on delivering conclusion, idea and suggestion, rather than information;

· learn how to organize information in a logical yet friendly way to enhance the conclusion (core message);

· familiarize with visual thinking principles;

· grasp basic storytelling techniques.



· 转换沟通时的视角和价值观,聚焦沟通对象的需求;

· 了解向上汇报、项目例会、业务部门沟通和协作对外时的沟通重点;

· 明确数字不是沟通的目的,结果和建议才是;

· 运用信息构架模式突出核心信息,组织支持数据(FABE,金字塔结构,闭环式沟通模型)

· 普及视觉思维的原则,精确数字呈现的效果;

· 运用"讲故事"的技巧增加影响力。


course outline 课程大纲

Chapter1 Converting Technology to Power

·  Perspective - functional/technological to big picture

·  Value - technical perfection to user experience

·  Responsibility - information to conclusion

·  Focus - What to Why

·  Delivery - Risk analysis to Contingency plan

·  Possibility - No to Yes

第一部分 技术沟通的转换之路

·      视角 - 点状视角到全面视角的转换

·      价值观 - 技术完美到用户体验的转换

·      责任 - 从数字到结论

·      过程 - 从what到why

·      交付 - 从风险到预案

·      可能 - 从"No" 到"Yes"

Chapter2 Audience Analysis - say what they want to hear

·  Talking up - to support decision making, action, contingency

·  Project meeting - update status, discuss deviation, push forward, compete for resource

·  Cross functional collaboration - technical training, process education, support gaining, suggestion providing

·  External meeting - demonstrate respect, enhance brand, part of negotiation

第二部分 说对方想听的-明确需求和目的

·      向决策者汇报 - 帮助达成决策,风险预案和行动计划

·      项目例会 - 通报进展,讨论偏差,施加影响,争取资源

·      与业务部门协作 - 专业教育,普及流程,获得支持,提供建议

·      对外沟通 - 表示尊重,品牌形象,谈判手段

Chapter3 Core Message and the Frame of Information

·  Your conclusion - core message

·  Application of Pyramid structure in frame

·  Feature/Advantage/Benefit/Evidence

第三部分 言之有物-设定核心和框架

·      你的结论 - core message

·      金字塔结构在信息组织中的运用

·      分清Feature/Advantage/Benefit/Evidence

Chapter 4 Visual Presentation - 10-Second Rule

·  Pros & Cons when using chart, graph and picture

·  "Show me the numbers"…. power or trap?

·  Applying visual thinking principle to stand out the core message

第四部分 十秒钟的视觉重点-数字呈现

·      表格、图标的制作和运用

·      到底多少数字?

·      视觉思考规律对呈现的影响

Chapter 5 Storytelling

·  The powerful 5-step story format

·  How to develop each step

·  Your story

第五部分 讲故事-增加影响力


·      冲突

·      交代冲突

·      冲突升级

·      冲突解决

·      升华


Ms. Xueting Wang 王雪婷

Business Development Manager

Tel.:+86 21 6248 8029 - 706


German Mechanical Engineering Service (BJ) Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch (GMECS)