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Thursday, April 30, 2020 GMT-5

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This webinar is postponed, a new date will be announced soon.

Automotive Insights: Opportunities after the crisis - The way ahead in Automotive China

Dusk or dawn? In this webinar, we want to leave the COVID-19 lockdown behind and discuss the way ahead in Automotive China. Will the government's support policies suffice for a full market rebound? Who are the winners of this crisis and which opportunities are there to emerge stronger in post-COVID-19 period? We invited a market research institute and representatives from joint venture and domestic OEMs to share their industry's perspectives.

Session outline:

  • Overview of government support policies including VAT rebates and China VI introduction delay. Will it suffice for a sustainable market rebound?
  • China passenger vehicle sales outlook 2020
  • Who are the winners of this crisis and which opportunities are there to emerge stronger from this crisis
  • Two OEM representatives share their market outlook and case studies on how to capture market opportunities in 2020 and beyond

Language: English



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