1. Flow Yoga (By the body for the mind)
We will start by practicing basic Yoga asanas (postures) and build a strong foundation with slow pace, detailed instructions, non-dynamic practice.
These classes will be filled with clear instructions, alignments, workouts, benefits and verbal or hands on adjustments will be done. When we practice asana (posture), we learn to hold various poses and to ride the waves of emotions and resistance that arise from them. This helps us to build inner resolve and mental strength as well as shaping our body.
With conscious engagement to breath (Pranayama) we connect with the intelligence and power of the life force within and around us.
2. Yin Yang
Yin Yang Yoga stretches and targets the deep connective tissues and the fascia, the aim is to increase circulation in the joints and improve flexibility
Yang part - Vinyasa Yoga helps us to develop a more balanced body through fast-paced movements with breath initiated practice. We will learn Ujjayi breathing, breathing synchronized movement (simple flow sequences).
Yin Yang full body reset flow will explore both Yin and Yang sides of yoga in a well balanced practice. Every class is a dynamic full body flow and innovative fusion of body opening through Yin restorative postures. In Yin we will passively held longer postures with relaxed body muscles. Perfect way to de-stress and relax completely towards the end of the practice and week.
2022 Spring Series on Wed&Fri 9:14-10:30 am
IF you can only attend the yoga on Wednesday or Friday, please contact us for the specific date and fee calculation (120RMB/session/ppl), let's get YOGA!
NOTE: For hygiene reasons, CCS will NOT provide yoga mat. Please bring your own yoga mat with you every session. Thank you!