They are diplomats from Germany and the messengers of friendship between China and Germany;

They are photography lovers and the witnesses of development and change in southwest China;

In the years of working and living in southwest China, they recorded all the details of "home" in their own way.


15:30-16:00 Registration

16:00-16:10 Welcoming remarks by Mr. Jens Hildebrandt,the Executive Director and Board Member of GCC South & Southwest China

16:10-16:30 Welcoming remarks and introduction of the photographic works by Dr. Klaus Schmidt, the Consul General of Germany in Chengdu

16:30-17:30 Cocktail party




15:30-16:00 签到

16:00-16:10 德国工商大会广州代表处首席代表晏思先生开场致辞

16:10-16:30 德国驻成都总领事施恪博士致辞并介绍作品

16:30-17:30 交流酒会