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Tuesday, March 13, 2018 (6:00 PM - 8:30 PM) GMT+8

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German Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, China

29F Gopher Center, No. 757 Mengzi Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai

shanghai, China

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The German Chamber of Commerce Shanghai together with China Controlling Online Community and the international Association of Controllers (ICV) jointly organize a finance and controlling workshop with the topic risk management and Controlling.

Two speakers, Mr. Bernd Pichler, CMO at ICONIQ Motors and Philipp Senff, Partner at CMS China will cover the following content during the event:
• New Risks and new challenges facing risk management & controlling in China
• Practice of risk management & controlling in business, for example in Marketing & Sales, and Procurement in Automotive Industry
• Protection against Personal CEO and CFO Liability Risks in China
• Risk management & controlling form legal & compliance point of view

Furthermore, Mr. Philipp Senff will provide an overview about practical tools for the prevention and crisis management in conjunction with compliance cases in China. Mr. Senff will present several real-life case studies with a focus on procurement and sales, which show typical hidden compliance risks and realistic strategies for responding to these risks. Further, Mr. Senff will explain how to manage whistleblower allegations and protect senior executives against personal liability risks in China.

Moderator & Speaker
