Claudio Feijóo tiene una maestría y un doctorado en Ingeniería de Telecomunicaciones y una maestría en Economía Cuantitativa. Es profesor titular en la Universidad Técnica de Madrid (UPM), donde investiga sobre el futuro impacto socioeconómico de las tecnologías emergentes de la sociedad de la información. Desde 2014 vive en China, donde se desempeña como co-director del campus chino-español en la Universidad de Tongji en Shanghai, así como responsable de asuntos de Asia en la UPM como delegado del Rector.
Laura Millán is an industrial design engineer from UPM. She holds a master in international leadership and her main research is about design methodologies applied to business models. She currently manages the Xiji Incubator, an incubator for foreign companies based in Tongji, Shanghai.
JOAN BRUNO RODRÍGUEZ After obtaining his master degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Joan Bruno oriented his career into the study, development and application of Design Methods, positioning conceptual design as a key driver for innovation. The need of attaining integrative visions stimulates his basic research, in which he constantly looks for new connections that link creativity, science and technology from a humanist perspective. As a practitioner, he has been responsible for the development of conceptual design methods in Altran, speaker in international conferences, advisor for the creation of innovation teams, and lecturer at Technical University of Madrid (UPM). As a PhD researcher, he has visited the College of Design & Innovation of Tongji University in Shanghai. In the field of social innovation, he has created several projects, using Design Methods as a natural complement to creativity. In his research, Joan Bruno intends to establish new relations between the art of Design Thinking and the practice of engineering formulation. He is passionate about discovering new cultures and knowledges, that remind him the need of amplifying our perspectives to face inspiring challenges.
Dr. Santos-Sopena holds a B.A., and M.A., in Foreign Languages and Literatures (English) from Universidad Complutense (Spain), a M.A., in Spanish Language and Literature from The Catholic University of America (Washington, D.C.), a Ph.D., Spanish Language, Literature, and Culture - Comparative and Cultural Studies from University of Maryland - College Park, and a Certificate in Arts Administration from New York University (NYU).
He organizes international and educational programs, coordinates cultural events, and designs communication, social media and digital marketing strategies to promote several international students' services and arts management initiatives.
As an educator, he holds a very active research agenda in using technology in language, culture, history, film, and literature higher education courses and Applied Linguistics. He is interested in Online, Blended-Hybrid, and e-Learning courses.