ISLC-Institute of Strategic Leadership and Coaching

Built upon a high reputation in executive coaching services and a deep understanding of the challenges facing multinational corporations in China, the Institute of Strategic Leadership & Coaching (ISLC) was founded in 2012. Throughout the Asia Pacific region, our services focus on strategy, leadership and coaching. We support organisations and their leaders on the transformational journey to meet the needs and demands in a VUCA and BANI world.

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The World Economic Forum has declared 2023 a year of the 'polycrisis' (multiple crises all occurring at the same time). Business leaders have to deal with the aftermath of the COVID pandemic, rising inflation, supply chain disruption as well as the challenges of attracting and retaining talent into their organisations. So, what makes a strategic future-fit leader? These leaders need to respond to a rapidly evolving business sector and environment. They need to develop several new mindsets, some of which may be paradoxical at times:

  • They need to be both ambitious in their goals, but also appreciate the effort their people make to achieve these goals
  • They may need to be ruthless in making tough decisions, but also show deep care and compassion for this people
  • They need to be confident in their actions, but also humble enough to ask for help and input from their people
  • They need to build resilient people and organisations, but also realise when it is time to change and adjust their position.

The "From Effective Leader to Effective Strategist" program will address these and other key skills that are vital in these challenging times.


  • 他们既要在目标上雄心勃勃,又要对员工为实现这些目标所付出的努力欣赏感激
  • 他们面对艰难的决策要冷酷无情,但对身边的人要深切地关怀与同情
  • 他们需要对自己的行为充满信心,但也要谦逊地向他人寻求帮助和意见
  • 他们需要培养有韧性的员工与组织,但也要甄别需要改变和调整自己的立场的时机



The "Future-fit Strategic Leadership program will develop key skills that are vital in these challenging times. In a highly interactive format, participants will explore the following key topics over two days:

"从高效领导者到成功战略家"两天课程旨在培养充满挑战的时代下必不可少的关键技能。 它以高度互动的形式,让参与者在两天内探讨如下主题:

  1. The mind of the Future-fit Strategic Leader: What are the important mindsets to adopt in these times?  面向未来的战略领导者心态:在这个时代要用怎样的思维方式?
  2. Strategic thinking and decision making in times of uncertainty and change: Dealing with the current polycrisis via scenario thinking 不确定和变化时期的战略思考与决策制定:通过情境思考应对当前的多重危机
  3. Creating adaptive an agile organisations: How to design your organisation to cope with the shocks and disruptions from the environment 创建高适应性、敏捷的组织:如何运用组织设计应对来自环境的冲击与破坏
  4. Aligning culture and strategy in your organisation: Developing the right culture to support your strategy and improve implementation 调整组织文化与战略:建立企业文化支持战略的落地与实施的优化
  5. High-impact business planning: Thinking beyond the budget to develop a plan that delivers the strategy with focus and impact. 影响深远的商业规划:超越预算,制定有重点,有影响力的战略计划
  6. Develop your own resilience and grit as a future-fit strategic leader: Be the role model and show the way as a leader. 培养个人的韧性与毅力,成为一名适合未来的战略领袖:成为榜样并作为领导者引领方向。


Norman Chorn (Principal at ISLC)

Norman Chorn

Principal at ISLC


  • C-level executives motivated to become better leaders and strategists 有志于成为更优秀的领导者和战略家的公司级别高管
  • Executive/organizational Coaches dedicated to empower your coaching counterparts with strategic thinking 致力于以战略思维赋能教练伙伴的高管/企业教练
  • Senior HR Leaders/HR BPs aspiring to be true strategic business partners 渴望成为真正的战略业务合作伙伴的资深人力资源管理者
  • Senior professionals who would like to enhance strategic competency 希望提高自身战略能力的资深专业人士

FEES 课程费用

RMB 15,800/person

RMB 13,800/person (Paid by 26 Apr, 2023)


Venue 地点

Hongqiao State Guest Hotel Shanghai
上海市, China

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